Sunday, November 27, 2011

Earthquake in Japan

Over the weekend, Japan experienced an earthquake.   What was the magnitude of this earthquake? Was there fear of a tsunami?  What caused this earthquake?  Check out the following link:


What else did you learn?

Beach Erosion

After reading the following post, please explain to me what is beach erosion?

California Coast

What is beach erosion?  WHat are they trying to do in California?  Would you be willing to help in these efforts?

NASA's launch

NASA launched it's latest endeavor on Saturday.  Read the following link:

Mars rover

What did this launch consist of?  What is it's name?  How long will the journey take?  How far is the journey?  What are they looking for, what are they hoping to learn?
Leave any other things that you learned or found interesting.

Pumpkin Pie

How many of you you enjoyed pumpkin pie over the holiday weekend?  Could you imagine growing a 1,000 pound pumpkin?  How many pies do you think you could make out of that??
Check out the following video and leave your thoughts.

1,000 pound pumpkin

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Oklahoma Earthquake

Did you hear about the earthquake in Oklahoma this past weekend?
Read the following link:

Where was the earthquake in Oklahoma? What was the magnitude? Were there aftershocks? When was their last major earthquake? What else did you learn about thus earthquake?

What does erosion & deposition create?

Now that you have read a bit about erosion/deposition, what do you know that is created by the processes erosion and deposition?


Read the following link:

Now that you have made you first post and read this link, how would you define erosion? Explain what happens during erosion and the various types.

Erosion & Deposition

When you hear the word erosion, what do you think?  What about deposition, what does that word mean to you?  Do you know anything that either of these two processes create?  Is there anything you would like to do in class when learning about erosion and deposition?