Sunday, May 6, 2012

Cloud Formation and More

Do you know how clouds form?  Can you name different types of clouds?  Do you even know what clouds are?  Go to the link below and learn about clouds.  Make sure that you check out the link on how clouds form. There is even a cloud matching game.  Share with one another what you learned about clouds.



  1. Alex Stevens and Julia GlennMay 7, 2012 at 5:25 AM

    Yes, clouds form from condensation in the upper part of the troposohere. Cumulus clouds are fluffy, bunny-like shapes, that form on sunny days. Cirrus clouds are thin, wispy, hair-like strips that can be compared to a horse's tail. Stratus clouds are dark-gray, low-lying, rain clouds, that are flat. Cumulonimbus are towering, gray storm clouds. Yes, clouds are collections of water droplets that eventually fall, causing rain.

    1. Brett Kron and Matthew MurphyMay 7, 2012 at 5:38 AM

      We agree with everything you said. We didn't know that Cirrus clouds can be compared to a horse's tail.

    2. Sara Bloemker, Jordan Iori, Rachelle KuebelMay 7, 2012 at 6:55 AM

      We never thought of Cirrus clouds like horse tails, interesting.

  2. Clouds form from the condensation of water vapor. This is a collection of water in which it can come down as rain, sleet, hail, and snow. 4 common types of clouds are stratus, altostratus, cirrus, and cumulus but there are many other types too.

    1. nate horning and dylan nobleMay 7, 2012 at 5:42 AM

      I never knew there was a cloud called altostratus. That is very cool.

    2. I always thought that the altostratus clouds were called something else. It is very interesting that their name is not what i thought.

    3. Alex Stevens and Julia GlennMay 11, 2012 at 5:43 AM

      Did you know that there is also a type of cloud called a nimbostratus that produces long, continuous rain?

  3. Brett Kron and Matthew MurphyMay 7, 2012 at 5:36 AM

    Clouds form condensation. Cumulus clouds are puffy clouds. Cirrus clouds are thin and wispy clouds blown by high winds into long streamers. Stratus clouds are grayish clouds that often cover the entire sky. Cumulonimbus clouds are very tall storm clouds. Clouds are what hold all the tiny little water droplets that will eventually fall to the ground.

    1. Bryant Winters and Drew FitzGibbonMay 7, 2012 at 5:45 AM

      Clouds do not only hold the tiny water droplets they are made of tiny water droplets.

    2. Jenny Keyser (:, Brynn Hollingsworth ;), and Abby Coogan :DMay 7, 2012 at 5:49 AM

      Clouds DO NOT form condensation!! Clouds are FORMED FROM condensation!

    3. FINN, budde, BRADMay 7, 2012 at 6:56 AM

      @ Murphy and Brett
      We think that it is crazy that there so many types of clouds and they all end up becoming precipitation. They usually all become cumulus clouds.

  4. nate horning and dylan nobleMay 7, 2012 at 5:40 AM

    Clouds form from condensation in the upper part of the troposohere. Cumulus clouds are fluffy. Cirrus clouds are thin. Stratus clouds are flat. Cumulonimbus are towering, gray clouds. Clouds are collections of water droplets that usually fall, causing rain.

    1. It is smart that you guys described what clouds look like. I can never tell what kinds of clouds are in the sky.

  5. Rheanna Barry, Jalynn Johnson, Maddie LindemannMay 7, 2012 at 5:42 AM

    The main process from which clouds form is condensation. The different types of clouds are cumulus, stratus, altocumulus, cirrocumulus, cirrus, cumulonibus, altostratus, and stratocumulus.We are familiar with the cloud names, but since there are so many types, we aren't sure about what types they are. We looked at the picture with the cloud names on them, and we have a general idea about what each cloud looks like.

    1. Hannah Basil and Rachel SchillerMay 7, 2012 at 9:23 AM

      We agree with your post but do you know how do clouds stay combined instead of being there own?

  6. Bryant Winters and Drew FitzGibbonMay 7, 2012 at 5:43 AM

    Clouds form from condensation of water vapor in the atmosphere. There are three types of clouds cumulus, cirrus, and stratus. Cumulus clouds are big fluffy white clouds. Cirrus clouds are thin wispy clouds. Stratus clouds are thick big clouds that cover the sky like a blanket.

    1. @Bryant and Drew

      We forgot to put the water vapor part of forming clouds.

  7. A cloud is made up of tiny water droplets, a cloud is formed when the water from the earths surface evaporates. The different types of clouds are the cumulus, cirrus, stratus, altostratus.

    ~taylar H

    1. Another cloud is cumulonimbus.

  8. Clouds are formed by water molecules being condensed, they usually form in the troposphere. different types of clouds are stratus cumulus cumulonimbus cirrus altocumulus cirrocumulus and startocumulus.

    1. Zach ALSO helped on this one

  9. Jenny Keyser (:, Brynn Hollingsworth ;), and Abby Coogan :DMay 7, 2012 at 5:46 AM

    Yes,we know that clouds form from condensation. The different clouds are cirrus clouds, which are thin and wispy and very high up in the sky. Then there are stratus clouds, which are grey or white clouds that are lower than cirrus and often cover the whole sky. Then , there are cumulonimbus clouds, which are towering, grey clouds. Clouds are large collections of water droplets that will eventually fall to the ground, which would cause rain.

  10. Rheanna Barry, Jalynn Johnson, Maddie LindemannMay 7, 2012 at 5:48 AM

    @ Brett Kron & Matthew Murphy,
    First of all I don't see you blogging with Murphy Mister. And second of all we both agree that clouds form from condensation. I liked how you explained the different types of clouds.

  11. Clouds form from condensation. Three types of clouds are are Cumulus, Cirrus, and Stratus. Cumulus clouds are the normal puffy clouds. Cirrus clouds are thin clouds up in the sky. Stratus clouds are cover up the entire sky and rain. Yes clouds are what hold water droplets until they cant hold any more.

  12. Clouds form from condensation of water vapor. Condensation is the process by which water vapor undergoes a change of state from a gas to a liquid. When we learned about the different clouds in fourth grade, we learned the four main types. Stratus, which are grey and usually spread across the whole sky. Altostratus, which often occur humid summer mornings, usually bring thunderstorms by late afternoon. The next cloud is Cirrus, which are thin and wispy clouds. The last cloud type is Cumulus, which look like floating cotton balls.

  13. Clouds form by condensation. The types of clouds are stratus, cumulus, cumulonimbus, and altostratus. clouds are gatherings of water droplets in the atmosphere.

  14. Clouds are formed by the condensation of water vapor. Different types of clouds are cirrocumulus, cirrus, cumulonimbus, altocumulus, altostatus, stratocumulus, stratus, cumulus. Clouds are condensed water droplets.

    1. Meara, just out of curiosity, what's your favorite type of cloud? Which one do you think is the coolest?

  15. @ Brett Kron and Matthew Murphy
    I liked how you described the clouds well.

  16. Will Smith and Sydney StedamMay 7, 2012 at 6:33 AM

    Clouds are formed when pockets of air rise and cool.
    The different types of clouds are cirrus, stratus, stratocumulus, cumulus, altocumulus, cirrocumulus, cumulonimbus, cirrostratus, altostratua, and nimbostratus.

    1. kaylin applegate olivia ogdenMay 7, 2012 at 9:20 AM

      we to disagree that the clouds are formed when pockets of air rise and cool it is the water vapor in the atmosphere.

  17. Cara Roche & Jenna BertkeMay 7, 2012 at 6:41 AM

    Clouds are formed by the condensation of water vapor.The types of clouds are stratus, cumulus, cumulonimbus, and altostratus. clouds are gatherings of water droplets in the atmosphere.Clouds are just condensed drops of water.Stratus,are darker and usually spread across the entire sky. Altostratus, usually occur during humid summers, usually bring thunderstorms in the afternoon. The next cloud is Cirrus, they are thin and wispy clouds.Cumulus,look like cotton balls.

    1. Maggie Hoover and Sarah ColwellMay 7, 2012 at 6:49 AM

      We like how informational your paragraph is. We like how you described all the clouds.

    2. Jesse Noell and Eric FischerMay 14, 2012 at 5:49 AM

      @Cara and Jenna
      We like how you describe the clouds like cotton balls.

  18. FINN, budde, BRADMay 7, 2012 at 6:42 AM

    We learned the main process of cloud reformation is condensation. There are four different types of clouds. The low clouds are stratus clouds, the middle clouds are alto stratus, the high clouds are cirrus, and the clouds with vertical development are cumulus.

    1. I think there's more than 4 different types of clouds, There 4 classes of clouds.

    2. Andy Shirer and Derek ellisMay 7, 2012 at 9:39 AM

      There is only 4 cloud types.

    3. Brian SchraffenbergerMay 31, 2012 at 1:54 PM

      Their are more than four types of clouds.

  19. Maggie Hoover and Sarah ColwellMay 7, 2012 at 6:44 AM

    One of the main processes behind cloud formation is condensation of water vapor. Condensation is when water vapor changes state from a gas to a liquid. The four types of clouds are stratus, cirrus, cumulonimbus, and cumulus. Clouds are what holds the tiny water droplets that eventually fall to the ground as precipitation.

    1. Cara Roche & Jenna BertkeMay 7, 2012 at 6:48 AM

      We agree, we put the same thing for how clouds are formed, but we think it would have been a bit better to list what the cloud types look like/what they mean. But other than that we think everything is right.

    2. Kylie Lonneman and Erin PeggMay 7, 2012 at 7:49 AM

      We agree with your post but we think it could have had more information and detail.Also with the clouds I think you should have said more about the and how the work.

      ~Kylie Lonneman and Erin Pegg

    3. Yeah. We didn't really think about that till later.
      Stratus- low lying, covers a lot of sky and grey.
      Cirrus- Thin and wispy, doesn't cover a lot of space
      cumulonimbus-Tall, grey storm clouds
      cumulus- Cotton ball shape

  20. Cara Roche & Jenna BertkeMay 7, 2012 at 6:44 AM

    Clouds are formed from water by condensed water vapor. There are many types of clouds that mean many different things. Stratus, which are grey and usually spread across the whole sky. Altostratus, which often occur humid summer mornings, usually bring thunderstorms by late afternoon. The next cloud is Cirrus, which are thin and wispy clouds. The last cloud type is Cumulus, which look like floating cotton balls.

  21. Sara Bloemker, Jordan Iori, Rachelle KuebelMay 7, 2012 at 6:49 AM

    Clouds are condensed water vapor. They form when water evaporates at collects in the sky or atmosphere. Some different types of clouds are cirrus, stratus, cirrocumulus, altocumulus, stratocumulus, cumulonibus, cumulus, cirrostratus, altostratus and, nimbostratus. Clouds are collections of water up in the sky, which can come down in several forms including rain, sleet and hail.

  22. Clouds are formed by condensation.Different types of clouds are Stratus, Altostratus, Cirrus, cumulus, Cirrocumulus, Cumulonimbus, Stratocumulus and Altocumulus.Clouds are tiny water droplets that are suspended in the air.

  23. Kamal Williams, Charlie Raines, Alex AndersonMay 7, 2012 at 6:57 AM

    Yes clouds form from condensation in the upper part of the troposohere.Cumulus clouds are fluffy bunny-like shapes that form on sunny days.Cirrus clouds are thin wispy hair-like strips that can be compared to a horse's tail.Stratus clouds are dark-gray low-lying rain clouds that are flat.Cumulonimbus are towering gray storm clouds.Yes clouds are collections of water droplets that eventually fall causing rain.

  24. I know a lot about clouds so I don't think I needed to play the game.-Dominic Deutsch

  25. Kylie Lonneman and Erin PeggMay 7, 2012 at 7:45 AM

    A cloud is composed of tiny water droplets or ice crystals that are suspended in the air. If the droplets become large enough they may be visible as a cloud or fog.Droplets may also fall to Earth in the form of rain or snow.The different types of clouds are stratus,altotstatus,cirrus and cumulus.Stratus clouds are grayish clouds that often cover the entire sky. They look like fog that does not reach the ground. Usually no precipitation falls from stratus clouds but sometimes they may drizzle. When a thick fog lifts the resulting clouds are low stratus.Altocumulus clouds are middle level clouds that are made of water droplets and appear as gray puffy masses sometimes rolled out in parallel waves or bands. The look of these clouds on a warm humid summer morning often means thunderstorms may occur by late afternoon.Cirrus clouds are thin wispy clouds blown by high winds into long streamers. They are considered high clouds forming above 6000 m (or 20,000 ft.). Cirrus clouds usually move across the sky from west to east. They generally mean fair to pleasant weather.Cumulus clouds are puffy clouds that sometimes look like pieces of floating cotton. The base of each cloud is often flat and may be only 1000 m (or 330 ft) above the ground. The top of the cloud has rounded towers. When the top of the cumulus resembles the head of a cauliflower it is called cumulus congestus or towering cumulus. These clouds grow upward and they can develop into a giant cumulonimbus which is a thunderstorm cloud.

    ~Kylie Lonneman and Erin Pegg

    1. I liked how you put things that were on the websight and how you guys kept adding more and more information about clouds. I think you guys put a lot of information and I thought it was cool about how much you out on your paragraph.

  26. Brady Doyle, Mark SchaafMay 7, 2012 at 7:45 AM

    yes clouds form by condensation. some different types of clouds are stratus,cirrus,cumulus, and altostratus. yes, a cloud is composed of tiny water droplets or ice crystals that are suspended in the air if the droplets become large enough they may be visible as a cloud or fog.They may also fall to Earth in the form of rain or snow.

    1. I LIKE HOW YOUR AWSNER IS VERY DESCRIBE . u two know alot about clouds but ur not that smart . but good job


  27. Mrs.Dietrich,
    Yes,They form from tiny water droplets.Cirrus,Cumulus,Cumulonimbus,Stratus,Stratocumulus,Altostratus,Cirrocumulus,Cumulus.Yes they are tiny drops of water that began to form int to a cloud.

  28. cloud is composed of tiny water droplets or ice crystals that are suspended in the air. If the droplets become large enough they may be visible as a cloud or fog.Droplets may also fall to Earth in the form of rain or snow.The different types of clouds are stratus,altotstatus,cirrus and cumulus.Stratus clouds are grayish clouds that often cover the entire sky.There are many types of clouds that mean many different things. Stratus, which are grey and usually spread across the whole sky. Altostratus, which often occur humid summer mornings, usually bring thunderstorms by late afternoon. The next cloud is Cirrus, which are thin and wispy clouds. The last cloud type is Cumulus, which look like floating cotton balls.

  29. @Erin and Kylie,
    I Like How you two girls put it in i big full paragraph explaining every detail but i thought that you two were kinda having run on's.

  30. yes i do know how clouds form . name
    clouds are not formed with water the atopshere is .
    fog comes from clouds and snow plus rain .
    weather can form in many diffent ways .

    1. well i think fog actually is a type of low cloud, so it does not come from clouds.

    2. i agree with Rachel Lincoln because i also think it is a type of low cloud

  31. kaylin applegate olivia ogdenMay 7, 2012 at 9:16 AM

    Stratus cumulus cumulonimbus cirrus. clouds are water vapor and dust partials. yes we know what clouds are.

  32. Joe and Ben SchapkerMay 7, 2012 at 9:18 AM

    Yes I know how clouds are formed. No I can not name different clouds. Yes I know what clouds are. What I learned was that clouds form condensation. Cumulus clouds are puffy clouds. Cirrus clouds are thin and wispy clouds blown by high winds into long streamers. Then stratus clouds are grayish clouds that often cover the entire sky. Cumulonimbus clouds are very tall storm clouds. Also Clouds are what hold all the tiny little water droplets that will eventually fall to the ground.

  33. Rachel Schiller and Hannah BasilMay 7, 2012 at 9:20 AM

    Clouds form mainly from condensation. The types of clouds are Cirrus, Altostratus, Cumulus, Stratus, and Cumulonimbus. Clouds are big or small collections of water in the air.

    1. There are other types of clouds such as cirrocumulus, and stratocumulus.

  34. Joe and Ben SchapkerMay 7, 2012 at 9:29 AM

    @Kamal Williams, Charlie Reins and Alex Anderson
    We also agree with you, but we didn't know cirrus clouds are thin wispy hair-like strips that can be compared to a horse's tail. Cirrus clouds are thin wispy hair-like strips that can be compared to a horse's tail.

  35. Clouds are formed by condinsation.The types of clouds are Cirrus,Altostratus,Cumulus,Stratus,and Cumulonimbus. Clouds can be any size.

    1. There is also cumulonimbus, cirrocumulus, and stratocumulus.

  36. Matt Schapker and Danny McCarthyMay 7, 2012 at 9:33 AM

    The types of clouds are Low Clouds:Stratus, Middle Clouds: Altostratus, High Clouds: Clouds form condensation. Cumulus clouds are puffy clouds. Cirrus clouds are thin and wispy clouds blown by high winds into long streamers. Stratus clouds are grayish clouds that often cover the entire sky. Cumulonimbus clouds are very tall storm clouds. Clouds are what hold all the tiny little water droplets that will eventually fall to the ground.

    1. i like how you explained what level each of the different clouds were in.

  37. Andy Shirer and Derek ellisMay 7, 2012 at 9:35 AM

    Yes.Stratus, Alto stratus,Cirrus,Cumulus.Yes they are water molecules heated up and joined together.

  38. Clouds are big puffs of water vapor. Clouds can cause weather with temperature pressure volume and density.

  39. it when water evaporates and turns in to a cloud
    cirrus clouds are thin wispy hair-like strips that can be compared to a horse's tail

    1. We didn't know how cirrus clouds could be compared to hair and a horses tail.

  40. Katherine SlatteryMay 7, 2012 at 12:20 PM

    Clouds form when water evaporates into the air and condenses into water making tiny water droplets in the air. The different types of clouds are stratus, altostratus, stratocumulus, cumulus, altocumulus, cirrocumulus, cirrus and cumulonimbus.Clouds are water droplets that have evaporated in the air.

  41. clouds form from condensation in the atmosphere some types of clouds are cumulus,cumulonimbus, and stratus. clouds hold water vapor that can come down as rain, snow, sleet, or hail so as a solid or liquid.there are also different levels clouds form at.

  42. yeah, clouds form from condensation.The 4 main cloud types are cirrus,stratus,cumulonimbus and cumulus. Precipitation is rain, snow, sleet, or hail.

    1. i like your post but u could of added what each cloud is located in the sky

    2. I like it but the 4 main clouds are cirrus,stratus,nimbo,cumulus.

  43. Clouds are formed from condensation in the upper part of the troposphere, where most of earths weather happens. There are Cumulus, Stratus, Cirrus, and Nimbus clouds. Clouds are collections of water droplets. One other thing that I learned about clouds is how they impact our lives.

    1. You did a great job on this post, but you could have told us how cloud's impact our live's since you mentioned it , but you still did a great job!

  44. If the air cools. The water vapor molecules in the air slow down. As they slow down, some molecules are not able to maintain their vapor form. They cluster (condense) in the air to form tiny liquid droplets.A cloud is composed of tiny water droplets (or ice crystals) that are suspended in the air. If the droplets become large enough,they may be visible as a cloud or fog.They may also fall to Earth in the form of rain (or snow).The different types of clouds are cumulus, stratocumulus, cumulonimbus, cirrocumulus, altocumulus, stratus, altostratus, and cirrus. Clouds are just water droplets that have evaporated into the air.

  45. Yes i know how clouds form. There are cumulus, cirrus, and stratus clouds. Clouds are a collection of water droplets.

  46. Katherine SlatteryMay 14, 2012 at 6:38 AM

    @ Matthew Murphy...
    I agree and your answer is very thorough. I feel that you included everything that you needed to, but you should have put that the water evaporates into the air if you were explaining how the cloud forms and you should have put that the water vapor condenses on a nuclei.

  47. Katherine SlatteryMay 14, 2012 at 6:42 AM

    @ Brooke Chesney...
    I like you answer. I like how you put that the clouds form in the troposphere and how you explained what clouds were and how they form in a single sentence. I think that you should have put what you learned about how clouds impact your life instead of just putting that you learned that they do impact you life.

  48. clouds form by condensation in the air also because of the water cycle

  49. The types of clouds are
    Clouds form by tiny ice crystals and water that has evaporated in the air and from gasas in the air.
    Clouds are water molucules in the air and gases that start to from the cloud so it makes the cloud from evaporation and things like that .

  50. clouds are formed by condensation in the air also because of the water cycle

    1. did you name the different types of clouds?

  51. clouds are made up of tiny water droplets and ice crystals .the cloud types are stratus,cirrus,cumulus,cumulanimbus.

  52. Clouds are formed by the condensation of water vapor.The types of clouds are stratus, cumulus, cumulonimbus, and altostratus. clouds are gatherings of water droplets in the atmosphere.Clouds are just condensed drops of water.Stratus,are darker and usually spread across the entire sky. Altostratus, usually occur during humid summers, usually bring thunderstorms in the afternoon. The next cloud is Cirrus, they are thin and wispy clouds.Cumulus,look like cotton balls

    1. I loved how you added so much deatail! I like how you added when the cloud types usually occure.

  53. Clouds are formed when pockets of air rise and cool. Cumulus clouds are puffy clouds. Cirrus clouds are thin and wispy clouds blown by high winds into long streamers. Then stratus clouds are grayish clouds that often cover the entire sky. Cumulonimbus clouds are very tall storm clouds.

  54. Simon S and John AMay 14, 2012 at 9:33 AM

    clouds are droplets of water that are a large collection and is a gas state called water vapor. The three types of clouds are cirrus cumulonimbus and Strauss.

  55. Yes.Stratus, alto stratus, cirrus,cumulus.As the water rises they evaporate as it increases then come together.

  56. Clouds are formatted by condensation. They are also formed by molecules. The molecules heat the cool to form ice crystals or water vapour.

  57. johnathon AdelhardtMay 14, 2012 at 9:38 AM

    Clouds form by water molecules go into the air and when they do this they start to evaporate.Water vapor molecules start to loose their vapor and condense into tiny water droplets which are apart and form clouds.different types of clouds are cirrus,cumulus,cumulonimbus,
    stratus.Clouds are tiny liquid water droplets.

  58. @ Brandon gardener

    Your comment was really good you just need to put more into it.

  59. THE clouds can 7:20the dakest part of the clouds was dirctly overhead and the frequent dance of lightning bolt was getting quitc clos loud.

  60. Cloud's are formed by warm rising, moist, air. Some type's of cloud's are, Cumulus, Stratus, Cirrus, and Cumulonimbus. And yes, I do know what cloud's are.

  61. no, i did not know that clouds form from condensation in the upper part of the troposohere.Clouds are formed by the condensation of water vapor.The types of clouds are stratus, cumulus, cumulonimbus, and altostratus.Clouds are a collection of water droplets

  62. Yes I know how clouds are formed. They are formed when warm moist air rises. This is called condensation. Yes I know the different type of clouds. Some of the clouds types are Cumulus,Stratus,Cirrus,and Nimbus. My favorite type of cloud is a Cirrus cloud because that usually means it's going to be a nice day. They are 18,000 feet above the ground. Clouds cause different weather events such as thunderstorms,tornadoes,and monsoons. These weather events can cause damage to people's belongings and they can even kill people and animals.

  63. Clouds are formed water vaper rising and cooling and the the next step is condition is the same thing when you have a cooled glass of water and small water droplets apear on the outer part of the glass.

  64. oud's form by the moisture in the air or the water vapor in the air collect's and come's together to form the cloud's and then the water droplet's form and then when the water form's from the moisture collecting and then when the water droplet's get to heavy then it is rain.

    -R@y wink

  65. Couds form condensation. Cumulus clouds are puffy clouds. Cirrus clouds are thin and wispy clouds blown by high winds into long streamers. Stratus clouds are grayish clouds that often cover the entire sky. Cumulonimbus clouds are very tall storm clouds. Clouds are what hold all the tiny little water droplets that will eventually fall to the ground,

  66. Clouds are formed when pockets of air rise and cool. Cumulus clouds are puffy clouds. Cirrus clouds are thin and wispy clouds blown by high winds

  67. Brian SchraffenbergerMay 31, 2012 at 1:51 PM

    Clouds form when water evaporates into the air and condenses into water making tiny water droplets in the air. The different types of clouds are cumulus, stratus, altocumulus, cirrocumulus, cirrus, cumulonibus, altostratus, and stratocumulus.Clouds are what holds the tiny water droplets that eventually fall to the ground as precipitation.
