Monday, August 29, 2011


Welcome to Mrs. Hoffman's Earth Science course!
Last week, when we went over our syllabus, we discussed the topics we will be covering this school year.  Please tell me what topic you are most excited to learn about.  Include why you are excited and anything you might already know about the topic!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I didnt feel enything when the earthquak happened because i was probly sleeping

  3. Hi Mrs. Hoffman

  4. i new thar was one but i did not feel it

  5. i whould love to know about... weather i whould love to know about weather seansons how it works and i think its inportent to know how the weather works like earthquakes and other stuff like that ... i know how seasons change and stuff thats it bye

    brandi.luers 7th grade team

  6. Donnie your wierd!

  7. I cant wait to klearn about volcanos because my brothers had to make one and i thought it looked realy cool. I also cant wait cause we will be able to learn facts about them and so i think it will be fun.

  8. hello mark and dj

  9. no didnt feel anything

  10. im dj and mark is my friend

  11. Tornados because there was a tornados in Joppland Missouri.My Ante told me that the tornados destroyed the town. It will take monthes.

    Erin Pegg

  12. Hi camoren sanches

  13. y u wherein ties ppl

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm,August 31, 2011 at 8:36 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Sup wit all me peeps

  17. i did not feel anything

  18. Volcanos are very interesting. What I know about Volcanos are, that scientist live near them to warn you ahead of time when they are going to erupt. Volcanos are very big and dangerous. thir lava can get past 3000 degreese. Some lava can harden but, when the scientist stick the special tool in the lava it becomes a thick liquid instead of solid on the outside. I would really like to learn more about Volcanos Thanks.

  19. This year i am exited to do rocks amd minorals. I am excited todo rocks and minorals because I find the minorals vary cool.The rocks are vary differnt because of the cycle they go throug. The rocks go throug the rock cycole and they are vary diffent.

  20. NO i didn't feel the earthquake if i did i would know p.s hi people.

  21. I don't know what topics there are because i lost it an i'm not really excited for anything really.

  22. im excited to learn about the planets and outerspace

  23. i would like to learn about what stars are and how they form

  24. I cant wieght to learn what makes volcanos eroupt I wonder if ther is a water volcanos do u know chyanna

  25. I want to learn little bitt of every thing. But im glad to have you as my techer. Your the best

  26. Im excited for Volcanos. They seem interesting to me because I have never seen a Volcano in person and there is many thigs about Volcanos that I dont no about and would like to learn. I know that Volcanos are on the Western part of the USA.

  27. i would like to learn about the planets because umm i dot realy know they just seem cool
    jordan iori:)

  28. I am going to be most excited about exploring the solar system because i am very interested about it.

  29. Hi Mrs. Hoffman! :)

  30. The topic I am most interested in is weather. I really like this topic. I am most excited to learn about tornadoes. I already know that it has to be very warm for tornadoes to happen and that the atmosphere hs to be a greenish color. Tornadoes are rated on an F scale from 0-5. Also that most tornadoes occur after four pm, but some can happen before then.
    Maggie Hoover

  31. I agree with Rachel Kubel, I never really thought about how stars are formed.

    Maggie Hoover

  32. I am most excited about learning about weather. I am fascinated by the topic of weather and I am interested in knowing what causes different types of weather to occur. I am also really interested in learning about severe weather. I have learned about weather in the past and I know that we experience different types of weather across the United States.

  33. I am excited to learn about the planets. I like to learn about all of the plants because there are many things you can learn and it gives you a good idea of what's going on in space. I am also excited for if we have any projects because the projects I have done in the past were fun and you learned a lot through the projects too , such as... I learned that everytime the earth revolves around the sun once it is a year.The planets are very interesting.

  34. I want to lean obout volcanos because i think there interresting and cool to lean about. I also want to know about how the volcanos erupt. i also want to learn about wether and there paterns.

  35. I am most excited to learn about valcanoes because I love how under water valcanoes create islands. I think it is awesome that valcanoes make themselves with lava that dries and builds up over time. I also like how the sulfur from the eruption causes acid rain. I am also interested in the acid lakes around some valcanoes because of the sulfur.

  36. I would like to learn about volcanos because its cool to know that volcanos are like fountains of molten lava.Volcanos are formed by molten rock building up into an upside down ice cream cone volcanos are large mountains that when erupt shoot out molten rock and lava.

  37. I am most interested in the solar system. I think it's cool how all the planets rotate around the sun. I love learning how many days are in a year for each planet, like on Jupiter, a year is 4331.57 earth days because it makes a wider orbit around the sun. It is also interesting how Pluto is not even known as a planet anymore because of how little it is.

  38. I want to learn about volcanos. I want to learn about them because i dont no much about them and think there intresting. All i know about them is they shoot out lava.

  39. The thing im most interested to learn about volcanoes. The reason i said that was i never saw a volcanoe in real life and there is a ton i dont know about them. Such as why do they erupt differently, some spew more smoke some shoot lava while others oose lava. And how does the eruption occur is it there is just a lot of pressure or something else. I dont know much about volcanoes, but i hope to learn a lot about them this year

  40. this year im excited to learn about volcanos i want to learn about volcanos because i always wanted to know how the erupt one thing i know about volcanos is that there are only a few active volcanos left in the world and they rarely erupt another topic i cant wait to learn about is weather because i have always wanted to know how tornados form the only thing i know about tornados is that there are differnt types of them like F1 F2 F3 F4 F5.(:

    ~taylar herbers

  41. I am most excited about the planets. I am most excited about the planets because I think they are very fascinating and there is a lot to learn about planets. I know there are 8 planets because pluto isn't a planet anymore. I also know that jupiter is the biggest planet. I am very excited to learn about space.

  42. I am excited about learning about space and planets. I already know that there 8 planets.

  43. I am most excited about learning about natural disasters. I would really like to learn about natural disasters because they can cause so much damage. When we learn about natural disasters I would like to learn about some of the worst natural disasters I history. I would also like to learn about weather. Weather is interesting because sometimes when the weatherman predicts something sometimes it will happen and somtimes it won't. That's what I would like to learn about!

  44. I am most excited about learning about the solar system.I am excited because I wonder about a lot of stuff about the 8 planets. I also know that you can fit about a million earths on the sun.

  45. Im excited to learn about the solar system and our planets but i also want to lean about other solar systems and the other planets out there. I also want to learn about the beautiful stars in the night sky. I also want to learn about the consilations and the stories behind them.

  46. @Rheanna,
    I totally agree with you! There is a lot to know about planets. Planets is what I am most interested and excited to learn about . If we do a project about planets we definatly should work together!

  47. I am most excited to learn about the Solar System. I am because I think it's interesting to know what's going on outside of Earth. Learning about other planets will be fun because I always wondered how the other planets are similar (and different) to Earth. I hope we do some fun projects with space because I think those kinds of projects will give everyone a chance to be creative with space.

  48. I'm most excited to learn about planets and stars because I like to look at the stars and find constilations.I know that stars are firey balls of gas and explode when their lives are over. I don't know much about planets ecept that they rotate around the sun and I know thier names. I also know that pluto isn't considered a planet anymore. I think that's one of the silliest things I ever heard. I think pluto is still a planet. What do you think?

  49. I am most interested in learning about earth in space. because my dad loves space and he has wanted me to learn about space too so now we wil have something to talk about. I already know that there are 8 planets in tge solar system and way far out in the galaxy there is a galaxy that we are currently in called the Milkey Way Galaxy.

  50. @ Nate,
    Natural disasters very interesting too. I would also like to learn about them other than the planets. Did you feel the earthquake the other day? I didn't. I am excited to learn about natural disasters.

  51. I am very excited to learn about space and how it all works. I am really interested in learing about space because it is so fasinating how earth has gravity And no other planets do. And also i want to know is there life on other planets. I dont know much about space but i do know that NASA found a type of bacteria that is found on earth witch means there could have been
    life on another planet.

  52. I am so excited to learn about volcanos! I cant believe we might get to make a volcano and watch it explode!!! I wonder how the lava gets in the volcano I mean how is it that lava is only in a volcano. Why isnt it all over the world? It is really hot so why doesnt it just take over when it erupts where does it go after that i mean there is ash but where did the lava go?But I think learning about volcanos will be fun!!!

  53. The topic I am most excited about is volcanos this is the topic I am most excited because volcanos have caused alot of problems for people in both the past and present. I dont really know anything about volcanos.

  54. @Wade Stenger

    Wow you do know a lot about volcanoes... I like the way you described the shape of it a upside down icecream cone haha!

  55. @ Matthew Murphy
    I also want to learn about volcanoes But i want to learn about the ring of fire which is a ring of volcanoes and how that came to be.

  56. @ Ross
    I would love to learn about wheather as well. I would really want to learn what causes tornadoes because that is intereesting to me.

  57. Weather is not my favorite topic in science but I am looking forward to it. I remember learning about it in the past but I don't remember learning about sever weather that was going on in the United States. The one thing that im so excited to learn about is volcanos. I've never learned about them in the past and im really looking forward to learning about them this year!

  58. I am most excited about learning about the topic of weather becaause I have learned about it in the past, and I would like to know more. I hope that when we do study weather we will learn about tornadoes because in fourth grade I did a project on the tornadoes that struck all across the country in 1974, and that was very interesting to me. Since I have learned about weather before I already know a few things, such as the fact that a high pressure system causes worse weather than a low pressure system. Also, the symbols for a high pressure system is a blue H, and the symbol for a low pressure system is a red L. In fourth grade we also learned about clouds. Cirrus clouds are thin, wispy clouds high in the sky, but stratus clouds are somewhat flat, gray rain clouds, low in the sky. Cumulus clouds are white, fluffy clouds that you see on birght, sunny days, and lastly, cumulonimbus clouds are towering, gray clouds that you see before and during a storm. As I said before, i am most excited to learn about weather because I would like to know more about it.

  59. @ Carly
    I think it's cool to see how many days are in a year at other planets. It's so cool to think that three years at earth could be like one year at another planet

  60. @ Liz:

    I think learning about volcanoes will be really fun also. Like you said, I wonder how the lava gets in the volcano. I think we could do some fun things with that too!

  61. I am also excited about volcanos. i also wonder how lava is just in volcanos.

  62. @ Nate

    Natural Disasters are probably my second most exciting subject. I want to learn about earthquakes.

  63. I am very interested in volcanoes. I have always wanted to learn about volcanoes. Did you guys know that the shapes of the bodies of those who perished in the Mount Vesuivius eruption(that covered the town of Pompeii) were actually preserved by the lava and ash? I find that really interesting and that is why I am excited about volcanoes this year. What do you guys think? (About the Mount Vesuivius thing.)

  64. I am excited that we get to learn about volcanoes and do experiments with erupting volcanoes. Volcanoes I think are cool and i hope that is are next topic after earth in space.

  65. Hi Mrs. Hoffman, I would love to learn about Volcanos because they seem very interesting. I'd love to know more about how they form, why lava come out of them, and why some are no longer active. I would also love it if we made our own volcanos this year, as a project or as a class lab. It would be lots of fun to learn about and possibly build a volcano this year, Thanks!

  66. I am interested in learning about natural diasters. I know a few things about them but not much..I know that they are cause by water. I enjoy this topic because my aunt lives in Florida and she has seen one before. i thought that was preetty amazzing.
    by:Sara Bloemker

  67. I am very exicted to learn about the severe weather. I really want to learn about all the tornados and lighting. I know that tornados are started with a warm fornt and a cool front but thats pretty much all I know.I think it will just be a very interisting topic because i dont know that much about it.

  68. Brady Doyle bla blaaaSeptember 1, 2011 at 6:43 AM

    i am exited about the volcanos and space and a lot more like........the weather the starts the sun the water and why it makes waves i think its because of the wind but i am not shure but i am exited for this year in sceince you are a awsome teatcherrr!!!!!!I hope we make volcanosss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  69. I think souveir weather sounds really intersting. I am excited about learning souveir weather because I think it would be intersting to see what tornadoes and earthquakes we have had in the past.I also think it crazy how fast tornadoes spin and how fast the wind is going. Storm chasers are crazy for recording them that is so dangerous.I know there was just an earthquake last week on the East Coast. I also know that there is a lot of earthquakes out in Californa and along the West Coast.

  70. I am most excited to learn about the solar system because, the planets intrest me. About the only thing I know about the solar system is the name of the planets and that they rotate.

  71. @Jen bertke..i want to learn about the valcanoes too!(: I wanna know how valcanoes form under waterr...And if it erupted under water like the ocean wouldnt that kill fish and other sea things? How do volcanoist know when there ganna erupt?? I think thats amazing . Maybe you could be a volcanoist for a job.

  72. I have wanted to learn about natural disasters. Mostly earthquakes ever since I was in my basement getting frozen waffles out of the deep freezer and it started shaking, I fell down and my waffles flew across the room. I ran upstairs to ask my mom if she felt it but she said no.
    Only I wittnessed it. Either I am crazy (no comment on that please) or I wittnessed an uncharted earthquake.

  73. @Jenna Bertke
    I agree theat we should make model volcanoes that would be cool. I also would like to know what causes them to erupt and how others dont anymore

  74. I am most excited to learn about weather. I already know about natural disasters like tornadoes and hurricanes, but I would like to know more about what causes them. Iknow a lot about atmospheric pressure and that when it gets hotter the atmospheric pressure rises.

  75. To Keyser,Jenny: Hi Jenny, I saw your post and I thought it was very intresting. I also thought volcanos would be really fun to learn about this year. It's amazing that the whole city and the people who were (Sadly) trpped were perfectly preserved by the ash and lava. But I have one question for you, by perfectly preserved do you mean skin, cloths, buildings, everything? I would find that hard to beileve because wouldnt the hot lava singe and burn the victems and buildings? Thanks!

  76. I'm most excited about learning more about outer space. I want to learn more star constillations, the surfaces of the different planets in detail, and about other solar systems and galaxies.
    I already know a few constillation and a little bit about the planets. But, I don't know much about other solar systems and galexies besides our own.

  77. I am very excited to learn about space. I am excited to learn about this because I really like space and I think its interesting that we have only explored a very small fraction of space and theres so much more we can find out in the future. I already know a little bit about space like the planets and what there made of and what stars are made.

  78. @ Liz S.
    I think valcanos will be really interesying too. My question is the same as yours. How does the lave get in to the valcono and also just basic facts on a valcono. i really dont know much about them i cant wait.

  79. ummm i felt tat earth qwuik so mutch that i allmost fell out of my bed jest kidding i didnt feel it at all!!!!!!!

  80. This year i would like to learn about natural disasters and how they occur. Natural disasters are interestig to me because they form by weather changing or tectonic plates crashing. I have never been in a natural disaster but I have seen them on tv. How do you guys feel about learning about how natural disasters start and what kind of damage they bring to us?

  81. @ Rachel Lincoln, I agree with you, I love learning about weather, so whenever the weather is on, I watch it(;. Tornadoes interest me as well..

  82. @ meara
    I love the planets they are sooooooooooooo cool.
    I have this projector thingy that projects (duh)
    images of the planet with a sound track that tells you about each of them. It even has a part when we start getting sucked into neptune because of it powerful gravity.

  83. I'm most excited to learn about rocks and minerals. I have a huge rock collection and can name almost all of them.I have always had an interest in rocks and want to become a gemologist. I hope to learn lots of new interesting things.

  84. I am very excited about learning about the weather because I think it will interesting to learn how different types of weather happens. Another reason is why you see certain types of weather in a certain place or season. I also would like to learn about the atmosphere because when people talk about air polution and green house gases i never what they're talking about. Ihope to have lots of and answer some of my questions during science class this year.

  85. yes i agree i think it would be cool to learn about volcanoes and why they erupt.

  86. I am most excited to learn about the solar system because I think learning about the other planets, stars, moon, and the sun is really interesting. One the thing I am looking forward to learning more about The other planets because I love to see how different earth is compared to the other planets out there. I also love to learn about the stars because i think they are so beautiful looking, but I dont know much about them, but I am looking forward to learning about them this year.

  87. I am exticed to learn about the planets! One main reason i am exticed is because the planets are very interesting! I hope we have projects on them this years because the projects from 5th grade revolved around planets and we very fun! A fact i already know is that the earth is the 5th largest planet. Another fact i know about the solar system is the earth is cover with water by 70% percent. I dont know alot of facts about the planets. Hopefully I will learn more!

  88. @ meara h.
    I cant wait to learn about space either. we learn ed a little bit about the moon and planets in fith grade but thats it. all i know is the names and that they all orbit the sun from different distances. i also cant wait to learn about stars and how the form.

  89. @ Alex Anderson I like volcanoes also.Did you know that there are volcanoes under the sea and sometimes when they erupt they make islands.

  90. i want to learn about tornado's.

  91. I am very interested in space. In 5th grade, we had to do a project, power point, on the Solar System and such. Like, is there life on other planets and what is Planet X.
    I liked learning about the Big Bang Theory. The Big Bang Theory is a theory that some scientist belives is how the world'll end. When a Sun grows, it gets bigger and bigger and hotter and hotter. Earth would most likly be ingolfed by the Sun before the sun explodes. And when the Sun explodes, it makes more stars. I believe this is how the theory went, but I'm not sure. It has been a while sence I learned about space.
    Do you guys think this is how the theory went? What are your theories?

  92. @Brooke Chesney... I would also like to learn about severe weather. Not so much the destruction as I would like to learn about how scientists predict them. I agree that learning about volcanoes will be very interesting. I wonder if we will get to learn about volcanic rocks and how they are formed. I wonder why volcanoes can produce more than one type of rock and the conditions that it takes to make a rock.

  93. @Sara Bloemker: I thought you question on underwater volcanos sounded neat so I took a look at it. And yes, I think the volcanos underwater do erupt and thats how some islands form. I dont know if they would kill the fish... if its releasing ash and other things into the water it would harm the fish but I think they somehow dont release that stuff and the fish stay away from the lava. Specking of which, I have seen on TV when the underwater volcanos errupt the lava comes out and oquickly cools and hardens into rock, and thats how an island will form so quickly. Thanks!

  94. @maggie
    I agree with you watching the weather is fun especially the natural disaster. I always pity the people who get hit with the most force of the disasters.

  95. This year i would like to learn about natural disasters and how they occur. Natural disasters are interestig to me because they form by weather changing or tectonic plates crashing. I have never been in a natural disaster but I have seen them on tv. How do you guys feel about learning about how natural disasters start and what kind of damage they bring to us?

  96. @ brad
    I agree i think nautral disasters will be cool topic to learn about. It wiil be interesting learning how they can happen without warning and and how and why some disaster happen in certain areas of the world. How we react after a diaster and how devastating they can be.

  97. i did notfeel it but i new thar was one i seen it on the news it was bad if you did it look at it

  98. I am most intersed in space and rocks and miaras and why the eeath has the perft spot for living, and all othe 7 plants do not have the same living ogerzastion!

  99. tornados r very destructive to alot of cities.small cities are the most in danger becuase thier the small cities.they can go over 100 mph and can form of the most power tornados is a f5.when they hit they skip around so you dont know where it would go.

  100. Mrs.Hoffman i'm excited about earth science this year. I want to learn how volcanos erupt form and whats inside. I also to find out more about the planets like mars. I've always wanted to know how stars form in the sky and space. I'm really looking forward to Earth Science this year.

  101. i wanna learn where the volcanes are locted and how it erupts and where do the people go when the volcanes erupts

  102. I like science I cnt wait to laern about the earth and natural disasters and how much they can kill people and how they are so danderous and there just AWSOME!!!. :)

  103. @ Brad Weidner: Yes also to me that sounds interesting on how wheather patterns change and plat tectonics move and i havent been in a natural disaster either.

  104. hello Mrs.Hoffman i want to talk about earth and space and i like to laern about it
    how awsome it will be this yaer.......

  105. I would like to learn abouot volcanoes. I think they are really cool and i always wanted to build one and make it exploed.

  106. @mrs.hoffman i'm excited tabout learning about weather to sounds intresting so i can't wait to learn it. i'm waiting to learn forcast to well if we learn about it.

  107. I am exited about learning about volcanoes because i would wonder why they erupt and how they do. I would also like to learnb about the other plantes and space.

  108. I'm interested in volcanos an i really want to build them in science then see them explode :)
    Olivia Gundrum

  109. I am most excited about volcanos!!!!! I'm excited about volcanos because I think they are the dangers thing on earth. When they hit volcanos cause so much damage. One day I was watching this one show and they said that their might be super volcanos under the earth crust.

  110. @ Rheanna
    Yes also that interest me too about science of other planets and how they were formed and stuff like that.

  111. @Jalynn .....I agree with you. I think learning about the solar system would be fun to learn about! I have also wondered if any of the planets are alike or different to earth. I have also wondered what the size difference is from earth to the rest of the planets.I cant wait to learn about it !

  112. taraforming means = to make another planet look like earth i know so much about mars is my favorit planet.

  113. I like learning about space because it looks interasting and fun.I know it takes 24 hours. I also know it takes 360 days for the earth to go around the sun. if the moon is faceing to mars it is a full moon.

  114. @ Hannah Basil

    I agree that I would also like to learn more about the other planets, but I would also like to know more about the layers of the sun. I want to know what is inside the thing that lets there be life on Earth.

  115. @Maddie Lindemann

    I can't wait to learn about the system too. Did you know that Pluto isn’t a planet anymore because it intersects other planets’ orbit around the sun? Also, I didn’t know that Jupiter was the biggest, cool.

  116. @ Alex Stevens

    I learned about that too. Weather is fun to learn about. I like learning about clouds best. Though, I’m too interested in learning about hurricane, tornadoes, earthquakes, and all that. I just don’t like storms and blackouts. I think that’s why I don’t like to watch the news. But, I liked your comment to Mrs. Hoffman.

  117. gayo (the mayo for gays)

  118. gaybies eating gayo sandwiches
