Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Did You Feel The Earthquake?

Did you feel the earthquake last week?  Have you ever felt and earthquake?  Listen to this podcast and learn about why earthquakes are rare in our area, but why they travel father than in the west.  Tell me what you think

Did You Feel It?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. no i didnt feel it slept write through it.didnt even know it happened

  3. Both no and no I slept through it.
    Joe Schapker

  4. No I didnt feel the earthquake and yes I did feel a earthquake before.

  5. no i didnt feel the earthquake last week but i been in a earthquake felt really wierd to be in a earthquake everything was shaking

  6. Hello Mrs. Hoffman

  7. No I didnt feel the earthquake I guess I slept through it and no ive never been in a earthquake......I wonder what they feel like?....

    keagen gulley

  8. no i didn't feel the earthquake and yes i have felt and earthquake before.

  9. yes I have felt an earthquake!!!!!! at lest I think Im not to sure. but my Mom and Dad work for ESS but is not thar every day job and ESS stands for emorgontse desater responce team.


  10. No i did not feel the earthquake. But my dad said he felt it at work. He works at the top of the building and he said it was swaying a little bit. I have never felt a earthquake though.

  11. No i didn't feel the earthquake but i have been in an earthquake before. It was scary becasue my house was shaking but it was very short.

  12. no i did not feel the earthquake i slept through it.
    jordan iori:)

  13. No never been in an earthquake an never have felt one either.I guess I sleep right through them
    Olivia Gundrum

  14. I did not feel it. But i herd about it like a hour later. I was eating it at the time PIZZA MMM?????

  15. No I didnt fell the earthquake last week and i always wondered what they feel like. I have seen them on TV and on the news and the places that had them looked destroyed. i didnt know that earthquakes coulld be that powerful because the ones that we had here were so faint i didnt even feel them.

  16. I did not feel the earthquake and I never been in one. ROCK ON

  17. Corey Allen:)

    I didnt feel the earthquake at fact I dont think I have ever felt any natural disater. But were where at the Dulles's ice cream social and one the way back i heard on Q102 that there was a earthquake that just happened. i was very shocked because I went bascilly the whole day with no feeling of shaking like a earthquake. i didnt even feel the after affects

  18. no i did not feel the earthquake last week i was asleep and i have not felt and earthquake before.

  19. NO I did not feel the earthquake I guess I slept though it. No I have never felt a arthquake

  20. same here. I slep right through it.

  21. no i did not feel it but i have before it nocked over on one of my modle cars

  22. No, I did not feel the earthquake, I think that it was too far away for us to feel. But I do recall a time in 3rd grade when it was around 5:30 AM. I thought that both my older brothers were running around the house but then I remembered that they weren't there at our house. It was only about 5 minutes or less, though.

  23. no i did not feel the earth quake but i know how the other kids in hati is haveing a bad time of cleaning mess back up re-beulding houses all over agein so were lucky its not cincinnati ohuo

  24. No i did not feel the earthquake.

  25. I didn't feel the earthquake and I have never felt one before, but my friend who expierenced the earthquake said a small earthquake kind of feels like a carnival ride.

  26. I did not feel the earthquake and i have never felt one in my life, i think earthquakes are rare in our area because we are in a less mountain like terrain.

  27. Brian SchraffenbergerSeptember 1, 2011 at 5:48 AM

    I never felt an earthquake before and didnt feel that one,but my brother felt it while he was at his friends house but he couldn't explain how it felt.

  28. I did not feel the earthquake but my aunt in Baltimore had to leave the house because it was so bad.

  29. @ Jenny Keyser

    So you have actually expierenced and earthquake, a really short one?

  30. I didnt feal any thing or know about it till later in the week i slept write through it

  31. @ Brynn Hollingsworth

    Yeah, I've experinced one. It really wasn't as scary as it may sound. Does anyone else remember it??

  32. No. I have felt a earthquake i think i was taking a nap during the earthquake last weak not a person know in my family. I think they are rare because we live the farthest away from the ocean and most of earths plates are in the ocean making it harder to have a earthquake because the the plates have to go underneath each other and shakes the earth.

  33. i did not here or feel the earthquake last week i really didnt even know there was one untill now but i have been in an earthquake before but it was a really long time ago and i thought it was a dream at first but then i realized it wasnt (:

    ~Taylar Herbers

  34. Mrs Hoffman,
    I did not feel the earth quake last week. Ive never experienced an earth quake before either. The reason this earth quake was rare because there arent many techtonic plates of the where the earth quake occurd. The reason earth quakes travel further in the west is becuase there are more techtonic plates in the west. That is what i have to say about the earth quake last week.

  35. I did not feel the earth quake. It happened around 1:00 i think, so i don't think people slept through it unless they wake up really late. I have felt an earth quake before it was only a little one though. I was at my friends house when the earth quake happened. We didn't feel a thing. About fifteen minutes later, her mom called and asked if we felt the earth quake and we were really confused.

  36. @keagen gulley
    i doubt you would even feal it if you were awake. i was awake and didnt feel a thing it was far away and only a 5.9 i think.

  37. No i did not feel the earth quake but my mom did and she was at work on the 6th floor of her buiding. Her entire desk shook!!!!!

  38. I didn't feel the earthquake last week, but my mom did. When she called and asked if we did, I said no. She said at her work the pictures on the wall were shaking, and she thought she was having an heart attack.... No one at our house felt it and not too many people at my mom's work did either. I have felt an earthquake before when I was with my uncle, it wasn't scary but it felt weird because I had never exprienced one before.

  39. My dad felt the earthquake when he was at the hospital with my big brother jason and his wife jessie was having a baby.I am another uncle!The babies name is Griffin Maxwell Raines!

  40. I didn't feel the earthquake and when i herd about it i was mad because i have allways wanted to feel one. Which kind of implies that I have never been in an earthquake

    William Smith

  41. @ Lorraine Lowrey

    My mom felt the quake too. she said that her lamp fell down. My mom was on the 9th floor of her bilding!

  42. I didnt feel the earthquake. I have never felt one before. I have heard from people that it feels like your being shooken.

  43. @ Zack S.
    I think you might be right about that Zack.but i do know for a fact that they hapen on falt lines

  44. @zack S
    i ment about he mountains by the way

  45. no i did not feel the eartquake and i never felt one before because i always sleep through them and my mom always tells me that there was an earthquake

  46. No i did not feel the earth quake and i have never felt one

  47. I felt it a little it felt like a quick shake like when you spin around so much that you can hardely stand up.but 3 of my brothers live in virgina and after it happened they called me and was like "morgan did you feel that?" and i was like "yeah it felt like a quick shake!" and i asked if they were o.k. and we were both fine and no serious damage happened thank goodness. i hope this kinda thing does'nt happen again. and if it does let's just hope again that it does'nt cause any serious damage.and when it happened my brothers saw a srike of lightning and then they got really worried. -Morgan.Cook

  48. Yes I feeled the earthquake last week. Yes I felt and earthquake befor.

    Erin Pegg

  49. the plat it did not it so it shok it salf

  50. No i did not feel the earthquake. No I have never felt a earthquake. The reson why the earthquake whent west is because of the plates in the earth and this earthquake was not on the plate so it did not travol to the eastra part of the world.

  51. the pod cast needs to be shorter!!!!!! but its useful info at this point i kinda wanna know less about the quake. im not even half way through the cast ive been listening for like 30 minutes and mrs. hoffman said it was supposed to be 2 or 3 minutes long.

  52. I did not feel the earthquack but I have to dogs a puppy and an older sibling dog and so we put them out back to go to the bathroom but instead of them going to the bathroom the started to whine and the older dog got over it but the younger did not because it was her first time to feel it so she sat down and so when someboday went to touch her she yelped and so when we found out about the earth quack we were shir that it was that but it was strange cause we called the vet and they said that the earth quake wouldent of done anything to any animals and so we thought that it still would afect them so we think the vet does not pay attenton to the animals like we thought. I did not feel the earth guake but the dogs did . were my aunt and uncle live they live in eastern Kentucy or somthing like that but there was some damege where they live but not to much.

  53. yes I felt the quak during i went aaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. it was a wierd fealing my head started to shake


  55. i didn't feel a thing i was asleep during the time it happend but i found my soda spilt on the floor lol

  56. No, I didn’t feel the earthquake, but I wish I had. I haven’t felt one yet. It is impressive that we are far away from a plate boundary, and we shouldn’t have felt the earthquake. I do agree, though, that we need to learn more about earthquakes. During the interview, the scientist said we do not have many scientists learning about earthquakes on the east side because we usually get earthquakes on the west. Daisy Roman said with more observations and money it could help us get more forecasts on the storms and it could help us in our everyday lives.
    It is cool that the animals react before an earthquake starts. I wonder how the elephants know when a storm is coming. Amazingly even when humans cannot feel some earthquakes, the animals still know that an earthquake or storm is coming. Earthquakes are very interesting.

  57. no I did not feel the earthquake.But it would be cool to feel a small one not a big one.
