Sunday, December 11, 2011

A New Earth?

How many of you heard about the new planet that has been discovered by NASA?  Read the following information....very interesting!!

A New Planet

What all did you learn.  There are so many facts, but summarize what they have discovered in your own words.


  1. i learned this planet is in the "goldie locks zone" which is hard to find and it isn't too hot or too cold. I also learned that a new planet that has been discovered.

  2. i herd about the new planet, its in the middle of the middle of the goldie locks zone, and a surface temperature of near 72 degrees.

  3. DJ,Jordan(; and Smriday:DDecember 12, 2011 at 8:53 AM

    well its like its not really cold or hot its about warm and if the new planet can obtain life we should send some people tocheck it all out.

  4. Cameron Sanchez/Mark SchaafDecember 12, 2011 at 8:55 AM

    This new planet that scienctist found is in the middle of the goldi lock zone. they averege tempature on this plantet is 72 dedgrees.

  5. What is the new planet that scienctist is in the middle of the goldi lock zone they avereg tempature on this planet is 72 dedgrees.......

  6. Julia Glenn, Alex Stevens, Lorraine LoweryDecember 19, 2011 at 9:08 AM

    This new planet was just confirmed to be in existence. It is in just the correct spot to for life to exist, and it is very similar to earth.

  7. I have heard about the new planet a bit. The planet is basically another earth, its in the spot for life to exist, its in the middle goldi lock zone, which is hard to find and its not too hot and not too cold, its perfect at 72 degrees

  8. @ DJ, Jordan and who ever else
    I agree with your thought, but i would send anyone to check it out until we know its safe(:

  9. Bailee, Kat and MearaDecember 19, 2011 at 9:31 AM

    Bailee: I think that this "new planet" is not really going to be enough like earth for life to be there. I think that if there was a more likely chance, the scientists would be more excited about it.
    Kat: I agree. I feel that it will take a long time to find a planet with life on it, it would have to have perfect conditions and we haven't found one yet and we've searched thousands of light years.
    Meara: I think we might never find a planet with conditions able to support life. This planet does not seem like a real idea.

  10. I think that is awsome that we found a new earth and that it is kind of like earth but it sounds like it is very far away.

  11. This new Earth I hear, is in the Goldilocks zone, is 72F, and has over 100 stars.-Dominic Deutsch

  12. kaylin applegate olivia ogden rachelle kuebelDecember 19, 2011 at 10:32 AM

    no we have not herd about the new plant descoved by nasa.i learnd about how the new planet revolves.

  13. the earth needs some help by cleaning the environment a lot
