Monday, December 5, 2011

Where Shall We Build

As we come to a finish on out unit covering Erosion & Deposition, what are your thoughts on where Boomtown should build their new hotels, houses and shopping?  You have had a chance to examine various soil types found in the area, you have seen how the land has changed over the past 100 years, and you have looked at specific areas in Boomtown and how erosion has affected each one.  With all of this information, which area would you chose to build:  the seaside cliff, the green hill, or the marsh?  Explain why you chose where you chose.


  1. Carley Snell & Liz Scarlato.December 5, 2011 at 5:13 AM

    We would choose the seaside cliff, because it's flat. Also because it will not erode very fast unless you build right next to the edge and constructors want to use as much space as possible.

  2. Matthew Murphy and Bryant WintersDecember 5, 2011 at 5:14 AM

    We would build on the Seaside Cliff. We would build on the cliff because, the soil is very compact and does not erode easily. Also we would build sea barriers and breakwaters to prevent wave erosion. We would plant, plants to help keep the soil together. And there is little to no flood risk.

  3. I believe that the Boomtown builders should build their buildings on the Seaside Cliff. This is because the Seaside Cliff has more compact and sticky soil than the marsh and the hill. Also, the Seaside Cliff is less likely to flood than the marsh because it is up higher. There are a few possible problems with building on the cliff, though. The waves from the ocean can hit the cliff to undercut it until it collapses, but building a breakwater in front of the cliff, and building the houses away from the edge of the cliff can help to solve this problem.

    1. THANK YOU SO MUCH this helped me with my science homework i was freaking out until i saw your answer and the others!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Lorraine Lowrey & Julia GlennDecember 5, 2011 at 5:16 AM

    I would chose the green hill because of flooding in the local area and is more stable against water, and it also has less chance of erosion into other things. It has also changed less over 100 years compared to the cliff and marsh.

  5. Jalynn Johnson, Maddie Lindemann, and Rheanna BarryDecember 5, 2011 at 5:17 AM

    We think we should build on the cliff but, we should't build any where near the edge because the edge of the cliff will erode away. Another reason it's good to build here because it has the lowest risk of flooding. The last reason to choose this area bis because it's the most stable.

  6. @Matthew Murphy and Bryant Winters

    I agree that I would build on the Seaside Cliff, but I would also improve the drainage system before building, so that flooding is even less likely.

  7. Brooke C and Taylar HDecember 5, 2011 at 5:17 AM

    We think that they should build the buildings on the seaside cliff because the other building areas either have high risk of flood or increased rate of eroding when built on the seaside cliff does not have these things.even though the sea side cliff has risk of sliding it is the best option because they can do things to fix those problems.

    ~Brooke C. and Taylar H

  8. We choose Seaside Cliff because it seems to be the most stable building site. The soil is compact, sticky, and erosion-resistant. There are alot of ways that we could protect it such as building breakwaters, barriers, and supports on the bottom of the cliff.

  9. I would choose green hill because out of all it is the safest spot to build. In the marsh it will flood to much and in the seaside cliff it will get damaged to much and eventually fall off the cliff if it is to close. But in green hill it will not flood or get damaged from the sea.

  10. Brett Kron, Dylan Noble, Drew FitzGibbonDecember 5, 2011 at 5:20 AM

    We chose the sea side cliff. We chose the sea side cliff because it is the most stable out of the three choices. We say this because you can do more things to prevent the erosion. If we have multiple ways to prevent erosion we can prevent erosion longer and more efficent. That is why we chose the sea side cliff.

  11. Zach thinks: I think Seaside cliff is the best place to build on because it is very resistant to erosion and if you build breakwaters and if you build the buildings far back they should last awhile.

    Josh thinks:I think the hill is the best place to build. I think this because it doesn't affect wild life much and erosion on the hill is easy to fix.

  12. I chose the Seaside Cliff because the soil from the cliff is compact, sticky, and erosion-resistant, so that the soil would be strong. Another pro of choosing the Seaside Cliff would be that there would be a lower flooding risk than the Delta Marsh and the Green Hill because the cliff would obviously be up higher than the other two construction sites.

  13. i Think that boomtown should build the hotels on the green hill, because the cliff would would have erosion from the sea, If the hotels are built on the delta marsh they should end up sinking.

    Ross Campbell/Dallas Blasek

  14. Brooke C and Taylar HDecember 5, 2011 at 5:23 AM

    @Alex Stevens
    We agree that they should build their buildings on the cliff but there is also a risk that the buildings could slide off the hill.

    ~Taylar H. & Brooke C.

  15. Rheanna Barry Maddie Lindemann and Jalynn JohnsoDecember 5, 2011 at 5:24 AM

    @Matthew Murphy and Bryant Winters
    Planting plants to keep the soil compact is a very good idea , we never we have thought of that.

  16. @ Dallas Blasek 12 I agree that it would sink in the marsh

  17. Seaside Cliff because it is sturdier and it would take less work and effort. It would also erode less than the other and even though waves would hit the cliff you could build barriers to stop that.

  18. @ Lorraine Lowrey and Julia Glenn
    Flooding protection would be a good reason to build there, but it would also work for Seaside Cliff and Seaside Cliff has stickier, more Compact soil so it would be a better building site than Green Hill.

  19. Nate Horning & jesse noellDecember 5, 2011 at 5:26 AM

    We would say the seaside cliff. It seems the most stable because it has less erosion and sticky soil. Even though water can breakdown the cliff there are many ways to stop by building barriers and breakwaters.

  20. Brooke C and Taylar HDecember 5, 2011 at 5:26 AM

    @Alex Stevens
    We agree that they should build their buildings on the seaside cliff but we also think that there is a risk that the building could slide of the cliff.

    Taylar H. & Brooke C.

  21. at schraffenberger

    i choose the green hill also

    Ross Campbell/Dallas Blasek

  22. @ Brett Kron, Dylan Noble and Drew FitzGibbon

    I totally agree with you three.

  23. @ wade yeah we agree the cliff is a good spot

  24. Brooke C and Taylar HDecember 5, 2011 at 5:31 AM

    @Brian shraffanberger

    we disagree with you, we think that they should build on the green hill because when the green hill is built on the rate of the erosion increases!

    ~Brooke C and Taylar H

  25. @ Nate I agree seaside cliff would be a good place to build.

  26. Matthew Murphy and Bryant WintersDecember 5, 2011 at 5:32 AM

    @Jalynn, Rheanna, and Maddie

    Bryant and I disagree that the cliff is the most stable. Because its a sheer cliff that's constantly even though slowly.

  27. Liz Scarlato && Carley SnellDecember 5, 2011 at 5:35 AM

    @Lorraine Lowry and Julia Glenn
    Liz and I agree, however it would be time consuming for constructors because of the hills. they would have to fill the hills in or build the building awkwardly, that why we chose the Seaside Cliff

  28. &nate and jesse we agree that the ciff is good howerver the same go's with the hill their is many ways to stop erosion. You can also stop mud slides on hills by installing metal plates

  29. Lorraine Lowrey & Julia GlennDecember 5, 2011 at 5:38 AM

    @ Wade Stenger
    Have you looked at the topographical map recently. You are way off. The Cliff has had more damage than the marsh. With how much it is eroded in the past 100 years. It would be safer to live in the marsh than the the cliff and I chose the green hill. Also that barrier won't last long.

  30. Brett Kron, Dylan Noble, Drew FitzGibbonDecember 5, 2011 at 5:39 AM

    We agree with you because that is very true and the sea side cliff has more way to prevent eroding

  31. Jesse Noell & Nate HorningDecember 5, 2011 at 5:45 AM


    It does not really matter about the effort it takes it only makes sense if it is a good working place

  32. I think that the best place to build is Seaside Cliff. I think that because at the cliff there is sticky soil that doesn't erode quickly, there is a low flood risk and it will not have a huge impact on the wild life.

  33. I would build on the Seaside Cliff. There is less wildlife to disrupt in that area and most erosion can be controlled. There is a very low flood risk and there are no buildings in the area to disturb. The soil is compact and erosion resistant. Houses are worth more because of the view and most people are willing to pay the price for beach houses. The compact soil also makes for a great foundation for the house.

  34. Sarah Colwell & Sara Bloemker.December 5, 2011 at 6:23 AM

    We would want to live would not erode as fast and it will most unlikely to flood. The Seaside Cliff soil would be stronger and the most stable out of all of the other choices.

  35. Lexi McAfee and Sydney StedamDecember 5, 2011 at 6:24 AM

    We think they should build on the Seaside Cliff because it's flat and sturdy, and it has remained stable for the past 100 years. It also has a great ocean view with easy beach access. There is also not many other buildings around the cliff so there's plenty of construction room.

  36. @ Lorraine and Julia
    The green hill has the most erosion not the least. Also building on the green hill would have a big impact on the wild life. You wouldn't want to kill the deer now would you? =0

  37. @ Schraffenberger, Brian...
    I disagree. The hill has had more erosion since people have started building on it. Most erosion can be controlled on the Cliff, if you add retaining walls and a breakwater the Cliff will be well protected against erosion.

  38. @Bailee
    How would it kill deer??

  39. @ Bailee...
    I agree the green hill has suffered plenty of erosion. The Delta and the Cliff have suffered the least erosion. I also agree that building on the Hill would increase erosion and disturb wildlife. Most of the current residents do not want construction or new houses near their quiet house. The hill should be preserved at its current state and houses should not be built to protect wildlife.

  40. @ Wade, Julia, and Lorraine
    First off, Julia and Lorraine, The sea side cliff is getting more damage than the marsh because there are more things to damage the cliff like wind, rain, and ocean waves. Also the barrier can be rebuilt, stronger and better.
    Second off, Wade, are you gonna take that from them? Use some facets prove them wrong!! Show them whose smart!!!

  41. @ Sara Bloemker...
    Building on a hill would kill deers by disturbing their habitat and taking away their resources. It could kill other creatures as well.

  42. @ Sara
    It would kill wild life and deer are very popular in the wild.

  43. Lexi McAfee and Sydney StedamDecember 5, 2011 at 6:46 AM

    @ Bailee
    Can you explain how it would "kill deer", and what about all of the other wild and plant life.

  44. @ Kat
    Bailee: I agree with what you said to Brian. There will be more erosion on the hill if you build on it.
    Meara: I think there would be too much erosion on the hill.

  45. I would want to build on the Seaside Cliff. I would want to build on there because you can stop erosion there the easiest, and for the longest amount of time. The Marsh has a lot of erosion and weathering and it is hard to stop. The Green Hills have a lot of erosion and bad weather, so the seaside cliff is the best place.

  46. @ Lex and Syd
    See above.

  47. Sam Gunther,Connor Zang and Charlie RainesDecember 5, 2011 at 6:53 AM

    We think they should build on the cliff because it won't erode very fast and they build breakwaters and seawalls to prevent water from destroying the cliff.

  48. Meara: I think we should build on the seaside cliff because there is less erosion and it has very little flood risk.
    Bailee: See above

  49. i would say seaside cliff because it is stable and has sticky soil a great view of the ocean

  50. Brady Doyle/Alex AndersonDecember 5, 2011 at 6:53 AM

    It should be the seaside cliff because you can prevent erosion by building a breakwater and it has a good view.The seaside cliff has been stable for the last 20 years.

  51. I believe that the best location is green hill because there are very little problems beside flooding which can be handled easily; by moving up hill or if you really want to live at the bottom of the hill you could make a drainage system.

  52. Jenna Bertke, Cara Roche & Jorden IoriDecember 5, 2011 at 6:56 AM

    We think they should build on the cliff because its erosion resistant but we may still need to put up a wave breaker to protest our homes from the ocean. A few more reasons we choose this was because it also has a view sitting up on a cliff like that so people will pay a lot of money to have an ocean view and it's right next to the beach and people pay good money for something like that. so we have a stable building area that will make a lot of money.

  53. Alex Anderson/Brady DoyleDecember 5, 2011 at 6:57 AM

    @ Baliee

    I agree that the soil is sticky so it does erode quickly.

  54. @ sydney and lex

    you made a good point when you said that the sea side cliff is very sturdy and has been there for over 100 years

  55. We think we should build on Seaside Cliff because erosion is slow. The land is stable. Many ways to prevent the erosion such as planting plants to hold the soil together and building a breakwater to prevent the waves from undercutting the cliff. Plus there is a great view of the ocean.

  56. Sam Gunther,Connor Zang and Charlie RainesDecember 5, 2011 at 6:58 AM

    @josh whalen
    we think that the green hill would not be a good place to build because the soil is loose and could erode easily.

  57. @ W!ll
    Bailee: I disagree with you because the hill has loose soil so it will erode the fastest and you will have to carve into the hill to make house and you will have to put in a drainage pipe system. To much work!!!
    Meara: if you live on the green hill it could erode quickly and that would be bad.

  58. @ Alex
    You mean Doesn't

  59. Jenna Bertke, Cara Roche & Jorden IoriDecember 5, 2011 at 7:02 AM

    We agree, sea side cliff is the best because we can easily stop erosion for a long time. The marsh and cliff would both erode so the cliff is our best option.

  60. @ Will Smith

    THats a good point about the flooding, for the green hill, I didn't think of that. I still think Seasside cliff, but those are still good ppoints.

  61. @will
    I disagree I think the best place to build is seaside cliff. There are great ocean views, breakwaters can be built to stop the constant slamming of the waves. Also erosion takes a long time to occur at seaside cliff. At green hill erosion happens way to fast to stop if ends up becoming a disaster.

  62. Jonathan Finn & Brad WeidnerDecember 12, 2011 at 7:29 AM

    @ Cara
    We think we should build on the cliff also. If we built on the cliff we too would put up a breakwater. This is very important because otherwise the waves would undercut the cliff.

  63. The marsh because it's material can be used for houses even though it uses up some of it's land. -Dominic Deutsch

  64. how can you have a marsh because it's material can be used for houses even though it uses up some of it's land dominic deutsch.

  65. I Believe we should build on the green hill because the hill has no chance of erosion going against the sea, the marsh has a chance of flooding from the sea and the river, the sea side cliff also has a chance of flooding from the oceans high tide. the topographical maps show that the hills have been stable for the past 100 years and little erosion has effected the land, or the towns. the cliff is getting eroded away very fast because of the constant energy of the breaking waves against the cliff. each wave takes away millions of sediments from the cliff. even the topographical maps show that the cliff is fading away. the marsh is not at risk from erosion, but the deposition could majorly effect the land. if the river overflows then the water along with the sediments in the water will flow into the town, depositing the material and filling the town with major amounts of soil. after reviewing the materials given, and doing majority of the experiments I feel as though the green hillside would be the safest place for family's in a community to live.
    From: an 8th grader, I would like the name to be anonymous.

  66. I would use sea side cliff because theres a nice veiw of the water

  67. seaside cliff is the best place to build because the soil is stirdy and not alot of erosion because of sea wall

  68. I think the delta marsh because if you Drain the marsh with a trench it would slowly drain out and there is little erosion if there was heavy rains it might flood but if it drains well then it would be the best spot to build because of ocean water and it would be worth more

    1. this is the same person but i just wanted to say merica

  69. I beilive the marsh is the best place to build it is very stable and the town next to boomtown had not experienced and floods and disateers in the last 10 years. yes it may have erosion and deposition going on and have unique haitat and flooding but we can have vegatation and reattaining wall yo solve this.
