Sunday, April 22, 2012

30 years of space travel

It seems like forever ago that we covered our unit on space, however it wasn't that long ago!  Check out the following link and listen to the milestones which have occurred in space travel during the lat 30 years.  Also listen to what the future holds for space travel.  

Leave a comment with what you learned and what you think should happen in the future.


  1. Jordan(; and Kamal(:April 23, 2012 at 6:49 AM

    well it takes forever to travel through space and they are trying to figure out what to do next and what they have already done. So basically they are tying to figure out new ways to find new planets and such.

  2. It disappoints me to think that NASA has reported it's last shuttle launch last June. But I am stunned to see all these pictures of shuttles in space in previous years.-Dominic Deutsch

  3. i think it was nice when our last space shuttle was . space is a allsome place to blast off to if i ever got a chance i whould go . it whould be allsome and my honnor to go and stand my country

  4. Mark Schaaf(:! Cameron Sanchez!:PApril 23, 2012 at 7:47 AM

    it takes along time for a person to go through space thats why they are always in space for years and years.... and it takes them along time to build a space shuttle.
