Sunday, April 29, 2012

Mining in Space

A private company has unveiled plans to mine precious metals and water from nearby asteroids. Planetary Resources co-founder Eric Anderson discusses the various stages of the mining process and how the excavated minerals could impact future space exploration and innovation on Earth. Would you want to go into space to work? Do you think if would be worth it? Click on the link below and listen to the information about mining in space. Examine the poster and look at how it will be done. Let me know what you think and discuss this with your classmates on line.

Mining in Space


  1. Rheanna Barry, Jalynn Johnson, Maddie LindemannApril 30, 2012 at 5:55 AM

    We think it would be cool to go into space for work, but only for a little bit. We think that working in space is something that would be interesting after a few times. It would really be worth it because space is something everyone should see in person. From pictures and videos, space looks very cool, and definitely something we would want to see. But like we said, we think it would only be interesting the first 3-5 times. The poster looked really cool in our opinion, and we agree that we need to find a stable amount of natural resources as our population grows.

  2. Bryant Winters, Zach Schmidt, and Joshua Whalen :)April 30, 2012 at 5:55 AM

    We think its worth it to work in space cause it would most likely be very price worthy the platinum gold and maybe even new minerals could definitely pay for the fuel and rocket prices. We think that it would be great to get all those precious metals that are rare on earth so we can lower there prices.

  3. I don't think it would be cool. First of all, there is no gravity there. And, I think it would be hard to find minerals there.-Dominic Deutsch

  4. Jessica Rentz,Kaylin Applegate, and Olivia OgdenMay 14, 2012 at 9:34 AM

    I think it would be cool because there is no gravity and you can bouncy around and not walk. I think it would be hard to find minerals.

  5. Jessica Rentz,Kaylin Applegate, and Olivia OgdenMay 14, 2012 at 9:37 AM

    I think it cool because there is no gravity so you wouldn't have to walk.I think it would be every hard to find minerals.
