Sunday, April 22, 2012

Tornado Update

Go to Tornado Alley Live and watch the video from the tornados in last April.  After viewing the video then go to the link on Famed Tornado lesson learned.  What did we learn from this disaster.  What is our risk of a tornado today.  What should you do in the event of an impending tornado?  Where should you go in your home?   Have you talked about this with your parents?  Do you have a plan?  What do you think about the events of last April and the events in our own area in March?

Tornado Alley Live


  1. Jalynn Johnson, Maddie Lindemann, Matthew MurphyApril 23, 2012 at 5:26 AM

    We learned that a tornado can be very destructive, and can happen anywhere. If a tornado were to occur you should take shelter as soon as possible. A safe place to go in your house would be the lowest level, and/or a room without windows. We haven't discussed this with our parents, and do not have a plan if an emergency were to happen, but we hope to change that. We think that the events that happened to our area in March were very sad and depressing.

    1. Brooke C and Taylar HApril 23, 2012 at 5:49 AM

      We don't think that tornado's can happen anywhere.

    2. Sara Bloemker, Jordan Iori, and Rachelle KuebelApril 23, 2012 at 6:41 AM

      We think they can, they might not touch down but they are still present.

  2. We learned that tornadoes are extremely destructive and can kill people.The tornado did a lot of damage.You sould go in your basement and sit there. Yes we have talked about it with our parents.We think that the last Tornadoes were Crazy and dangerous

    1. Alex Stevens, Julia Glenn, and Lorraine LowreyApril 23, 2012 at 5:39 AM

      We agree that tornadoes are dangerous. In 1974, there was a major tornado outbreak that killed thousands of people in thirteen different states. (Xenia, Ohio was hit the worst, with a few F5 tornadoes (the worst on the scale)).

  3. Brian Schraffenberger and Ross CampbellApril 23, 2012 at 5:31 AM

    We learned that depending on the Fear level an F5 is the highest destruction level of a tornado. When a tornado occurs or a warning you take shelter.In your home you should leave where ever you are and go into the lowest part of your house which would be the basement.No we don't talk about tornadoes to are parents. We think the tornadoes were really dangerous.

    1. Jenny Keyser, Abby Coogan, Brynn HollingsworthApril 23, 2012 at 5:36 AM

      It's not the 'Fear Level'. I'm pretty sure it's called the Fukishima Scale.

    2. Fujita scale Not fear level :D

    3. Jenny Keyser, Abby Coogan, Brynn HollingsworthApril 23, 2012 at 5:42 AM

      Haha oops we mean Fujita scale...

  4. Jenny Keyser, Abby Coogan, Brynn HollingsworthApril 23, 2012 at 5:33 AM

    The things that we should do if we would be in the event of an impending tornado would be to find cover as quickly as possible. In your home, you should go to your basement of anywhere else down low. You could also go to a room that has plumbing. Yes, we have talked about this with our parents. We think that the disasters last April and this March were tragedies.

    1. Nate Horning And Dallas BlasekApril 23, 2012 at 5:37 AM

      You forgot some other questions, like, "What did we learn?" and, "What is the chance of a tornado now?". But instead of that I agree.

  5. Nate Horning And Dallas BlasekApril 23, 2012 at 5:35 AM

    From this disaster we learned that tornado's can be very scary, he compared it as a freight train passing right on top of them. We also learned that a tornado can be very destructive. A risk of a tornado today is pretty high since we are in the tornado months. When a tornado occurs you should take shelter in your basement, preferably a room with no windows. If you are on the road go to a low place like a ditch, or under something, like a bridge. I have kinda talked about this with my parents, we would go to my bathroom. The events that happened last year was very devastating, and a lot of people lost there homes, Dallas and I are both very sad about that.

    1. Brad,Budde,and FinnApril 23, 2012 at 6:34 AM

      @ Nate and Dallas
      We agree that it is very important to take cover below ground. To be safe in a tornado the best place to go would be a room in your basement without windows. Also don't go outside and watch tornadoes, that would make it a lot higher risk of fatal injury. Don't be stupid.

  6. Tornadoes are very destructive and deadly, and the disaster can happen anywhere on land OR water (Water Spouts). If a tornado is in sight or has a high chance of happening, you should get shelter in a
    basemet or a room with no windows. We have discussed this with our parents because our moms were both in tornadoes. We both think that tornadoes are very devastating and can make a very sad story.

    1. Bryant Winters, Drew FitzGibbon, And Wade StengerApril 23, 2012 at 5:40 AM

      We agree that we should get in the basement in case of a tornado but you forgot to talk about the tornadoes last April and this March.

  7. Alex Stevens, Julia Glenn, and Lorraine LowreyApril 23, 2012 at 5:36 AM

    We learned that tornadoes are very dangerous and you should always find shelter, in the case of an impending tornado. The risk of a tornado is fairly low in Ohio, but Cincinnati, Dayton, Cleveland, and Columbus have more of a risk than other cities. If a tornado is coming, you should go to a basement or interior room, without windows, but if you are outside, you need to find a low-lying ditch/hole to lay flat in. With our parents, we have all discussed where to go in a tornado. What we do is hide in the basement, with pillows and blankets to protect us from flying shards of glass.
    We all think that the tornado events were very scary and would not want one to occur near us. The tornadoes in our area were a little to close for comfort, but at least there weren't too many people that were majorly affected.

    1. I agree with the tornadoes being too close. I hope that a tornado will not come close enough to where I live to inconvenient me again.

  8. Jalynn Johnson, Maddie Lindemann, Matthew MurphyApril 23, 2012 at 5:37 AM

    @Jenny, Abby, and Brynn:
    We also agree that the disasters were tragedies. But, we wondered why going to a room with plumbing would be safe? Does it matter if there is plumbing in the room?

  9. Bryant Winters, Drew FitzGibbon, And Wade StengerApril 23, 2012 at 5:38 AM

    We learned that two tornadoes are possible at the same time. You should gather your valuables and food and go to the basement. We have talked about this with are parents. Are risk of a tornado is mild it could happen but probably will not. Yes. We think they were devastating and that they were really hard for some people.

    1. Brett Kron and Dylan NobleApril 23, 2012 at 5:58 AM

      There can be many tornadoes at the same time. The link said there were 4 tornadoes at the same time.

    2. Sam Gunther and Charlie RainesApril 23, 2012 at 6:48 AM

      We don't think gather food would be something you should do because tornadoes don't last very long.

    3. Katherine SlatteryApril 23, 2012 at 6:52 AM

      @Bryant Winters, Drew FitzGibbon, And Wade Stenger...
      I agree that you should take your valuables, but it is best to move quickly. I agree that the risk for tornadoes is low, but they are still bad for everyone.

  10. Students: Use this link for "Famed Tornado"

  11. Brooke C and Taylar HApril 23, 2012 at 5:44 AM

    We learned that a tornado can destroy anything in its path. I think the risk of a tornado is very low because there a no strong winds. If a tornado were to happen you should take shelter either in the basement or somewhere with no windows, like a bathroom. Yeah we do have plans on where to go if there is a tornado. We thought that they were very scary and crazy that we didn't get hit when they were so close to where we live.

    ~Taylar H and Brooke C

    1. nick sferrazza,brad beaversApril 23, 2012 at 7:47 AM

      i aree that there is a low risk of havig a tornado here

  12. Carley Snell and Liz ScarlatoApril 23, 2012 at 5:47 AM

    We learned that tornadoes are very dangerous and they can occur at the same time. If there is a tornado near you, you should take shelter, and go to the basement as soon as possible. You should also get food and take it down there with you. We have mild risk of tornado, meaning its about a 50/50 chance. In the event of a tornado, you should get your whole family, including pets, grab enough food, and important things, like a cell phone, and go to the basement as soon as you can. We have not talked about it with our parents, so no we do not have a plan. We think its very scary, considering a tornado can take down a whole village or city.

    1. Rachel Schiller and Hannah BasilApril 23, 2012 at 9:16 AM

      We agree with bringing food down with you but you should also stay away from doors and windows. What would you do if one of your family members got left behind?

  13. Brian Schraffenberger and Ross CampbellApril 23, 2012 at 5:49 AM

    @Joshua Whalen Sorry I meant Fujita Scale

  14. Brett Kron and Dylan NobleApril 23, 2012 at 5:55 AM

    We learned that there 54 tornadoes in one day but there only 21 deaths. The death number proves that if you know what you are doing and know where to go you will most likely survive a tornado. The tornado risk in Ohio is low but Cincinnati and some other cities have more of a chance than other cities.If there is a tornado you should go to your basement or into a bathroom and put a mattress over top of you. You should also bring supplies with you that will help you survive if you get trapped. Yes we have. Yes it is to grab certain supplies and some valuables and go to the safest place in our house. We don't think much of it because it didn't affect us personally. But we do feel bad for those who were affected by these tornadoes.

    1. Carley Snell and Liz ScarlatoApril 23, 2012 at 5:59 AM

      We agree, most of the deaths are probably because people go outside and watch the tornado. You need to take cover.

    2. Cara Roche, Andrea Schwab, and Rachel LincolnApril 23, 2012 at 6:28 AM

      We agree that we would grab some supplies but we think it would be better to have a kit full of supplies ready in case of emergencies.So we would have time to get to a safe place.

    3. Maggie Hoover and Sarah ColwellApril 23, 2012 at 6:41 AM

      We agree with Cara, Andrea, and Rachel. You probably should have a kit full of supplies ready, because we wouldn't want to be upstairs during a tornado, so I would have something ready.

  15. Rachel, Andrea,CaraApril 23, 2012 at 6:21 AM

    We learned that tornadoes can be very dangerous and we have to be safe and calm during them.Our families go into our basements and take cover.Well we usually just go downstairs and grab our dogs on the way.i think that the events this spring were hard for some people and we are glad some people are able to rebuild their lives.

  16. I learned that tornadoes are very destructive. In the event of a tornado you should take shelter and go into your basement. I have not talked about this with my parents. I also do not have a plan. I think the events that happened are terrible and I think that people should be ready.

  17. Sara Bloemker, Jordan Iori, and Rachelle KuebelApril 23, 2012 at 6:29 AM

    We learned that tornadoes are very loud and they can be extremely dangerous and destructive. The best place to go when a tornado occurs is the basement where there is no windows. You should bring supplies with you too, like a flash light, food, blankets and any pets or family members. We haven't really talked to our parents about what to do, but we do know where to go and what to bring. If you happen to be driving or in the car when a tornado occurs you should try to find a ditch or a store with a basement.

    1. @Sara Bloemker, Jordan Iori, and Rachelle Kuebel: I agree on where you should go, you don't just want to sit on the couch in your house, you'll want to go downstairs and maybe go into the bathroom or hide under the steps till its over. And bringing supplies is a really good idea if you have time, but if you don't have time to grab anything, just go right downstairs, don't risk anything. And yes, if your driving you don't want to stay in your car, its a bad idea.

    2. @Sara Bloemker, Jordan Iori, and Rachelle Kuebel: I agree, the best place to be is in your basement in a bathroom or under the steps. And bringing supplies is a great idea if you have enough time. And if your in a car it would be a great idea to get out and find better shelter, you never stay in your car.

  18. There is still a great risk of tornadoes today. You would got in the basement or in your tub and put matrices on top of yourself. You would stock up on food and First Aid kits. We feel bad for the people who lost their homes.

    1. Go in the bath tub and put a mattresses on top of yourself? Never would've thought of that one, good idea.

  19. Sarah Colwell and Maggie HooverApril 23, 2012 at 6:35 AM

    We learned that on April 26, 1991 there were 54 tornadoes and 21 deaths. The risk of today's tornadoes is very low. In the winter and summer we have a very low chance, but in spring and fall we have a higher chance. If there is a tornado happening you should go to the basement, or if you don't have a basement you can go to the bathroom without windows. The safest place to go in your house is the basement or under the stairs. Maggie has talked about it with her parents, but I haven't. Our plan is to go to the basement under the steps, where they aren't any windows. We think the events of April and March were not scary.

    1. @Sarah Colwell and Maggie Hoover: I agree, and I think there would have had less deaths if they had stayed in their homes, if they had that option that is. Some had to go under bridges and overpasses. And your home is the best place because if you have a basement that would be much better, you would be underground mostly away from the tornado and bathrooms are good too because they have few windows and strong walls.

    2. @ Jenna

      Yeah, i don't think people need to be going out if they have the option of staying in. I would be scared to be in the path of it! So to go outside and tape it, just seems stupid.

  20. Will Smith and Sydney StedamApril 23, 2012 at 6:37 AM

    We learned that tornadoes are very dangerous and that you should go inside to a basement or away from windows if one is about to hit. Tornadoes are rare in Ohio, but Cincinnati, Dayton, Cleveland, and Columbus have a greater risk than any other city in Ohio. We think that the events in April 2011 and the first three months of 2012 were sad.

    1. I never new that Cincinnati had a high risk of tornadoes in Ohio. That is a very interesting factoid. I also agree that it was very sad when the tornadoes hit.

  21. Today we learned tornadoes can be devastating and can happen anywhere. When a tornado occurs you should take shelter as soon as possible. A safe place to go in your house would be the lowest level, or a room without windows. We go to our basements. We think that the events that happened to our area in March were very sad and shows how devastating tornadoes can be.

  22. Sam Gunther and Charlie RainesApril 23, 2012 at 6:40 AM

    We learned that tornadoes can occur in groups and are dangerous.The risk for a tornado today is very low because the winds are not very high.To protect yourself from a tornado you should stay in your basement and stay informed about the storm. We didn't think about it much because it didn't really affect us.

  23. We learned that tornadoes videos were rather rare back in the 1990's and that the main reason people die from tornadoes is because they were to leave shelter and go outside to see or tape them, rather than be safe in a basement or something. Also that being under a bridge or overpass was not a good place to be if a tornado was coming at you, it could collapse on you and injure or kill you so take shelter in a home if possible. The risk of tornadoes isn't too high but it's still possible. The risk in Ohio is somewhat low, but other cities could be more likely to be hit than others. If you're in your home, go to the lowest level possible and hid near a place with no windows and wait till the storms over. Yes, my parents tell me to go into the basement downstairs and go into the corner of the bathroom because its surrounded by concrete walls and no windows and that's the whole families plan. I think that the area in April just had some bad storms there, over here in Cincinnati we've had nice warm days with few storms, but I hope the storms don't move over here.

    1. Maggie Hoover and Sarah ColwellMay 14, 2012 at 6:58 AM

      It is interesting how far along people have come with tornado videos. We think it is crazy how people go outside during tornadoes! We would much rather go in the basement!

  24. Katherine SlatteryApril 23, 2012 at 6:43 AM

    I learned that tornadoes are very destructive and horrible. I also learned that fifty-four tornadoes were reported in one day and 21 people died from the tornadoes. There were some people who were very close to a tornado but took cover in a overpass just as the tornado passed by (1991). In the event of a tornado it is best to go in a basement or lowest level of a building. Bathrooms are also very safe and it is best to have a mattress over you. Generally cars are not safe, but if it is the only place to go then you should drive to a building and find a place to get safe. If you are stuck outside then the best place is in a ditch with your face covered from debris. Whenever there is a tornado my family always goes to the basement with a computer and all of our pets so we can stay informed and protected.

  25. Brad,Budde,and FinnApril 23, 2012 at 6:47 AM

    @Will and Sydney

    It is kinda strange that tornadoes happen only in the bigger cities. Why do you think that happens?

  26. I learned that tornadoes are super destructive and can come in different sizes.Tornadoes can travel miles destroying towns and cities.If a tornado ever happens my parents tell me to sit in our basement and wait till the storm passes.

  27. Jordan(; and Kamal(:April 23, 2012 at 6:58 AM

    Tornadoes can be very bad when it is destructive to areas, like they can destroy cities and towns and such. then you have to re build them and what not and it costs a lot of money.

  28. The best thing to do while in danger of a tornado is to hide in the basement while I would carry all of my stuff.-Dominic Deutsch

  29. Brandon Gardner and Ray WinkApril 23, 2012 at 7:29 AM

    we lernd that tornados can be vary dangeris and destructive

  30. THE theings u can do to save ur self from a tornadeo is take cover go in to a basement bring suppriles needed third have a first aid kit waiting . no i have not talk about it with my parnets cause it is not a big prolbem . no i do not a have a plan cause its not gonna happend in our area of cincinanti .

  31. Brandon Gardner and Ray WinkApril 23, 2012 at 7:35 AM

    we agree with dominic we wuold take all our stuff too and go to the basement for safedy

  32. nick sferrazza,brad beaversApril 23, 2012 at 7:39 AM

    that the storms can be very destructive almost every situation.i would go in the basement. just go downstairs.i think it was scary.

  33. i feel bad for the tornado vicitems you should aways go in a basement to stay staf because tornados are bad

  34. BRADY DOYLE, donnie heisssllle((:April 23, 2012 at 7:39 AM

    if a tornado was comeing i would go in the base ment for safety.i havent talked to my parentes at all about it, haha.NO, we do not have a plan what so ever, idk what i think about it.

  35. Mark Schaaf(: cameron sanchezApril 23, 2012 at 7:40 AM

    when there is a tornado you take all of your stuff and go in a shelter thats underground and away from windows so youll be safe

    1. no i thought u take all of it to the dumster .. but u should stay away from glass and windows cause u can get it hurt

  36. The risk of tornadoes isn't too high but it's still possible. The risk in Ohio is somewhat low, but other cities could be more likely to be hit than others. The risk of a tornado is fairly low in Ohio, but Cincinnati, Dayton, Cleveland, and Columbus have more of a risk than other cities. If a tornado is coming, you should go to a basement or interior room, without windows, but if you are outside, you need to find a low-lying ditch/hole to lay flat in. With our parents, we have all discussed where to go in a tornado.

  37. Mya Hill,Kylie LonnemanApril 23, 2012 at 7:43 AM

    We learned that this was only baby twister and stronger wind are to come.We think our risk are the are not very high because there is too many hills.You should go to the nearest room where there are no windows and stay there till the tornado passes by.The best room possible with no windows.Yes we have talked about this with our parents.Yes we have a plan about where we should go and how long we should stay in that room.We think that the events that had happened were very horrible and sad for all the people that lived there.

  38. @Kyle and Cody,
    Me and Kylie think that you guys are just talking about the risk of having a tornado in different cities so there is basically nothing we know about what you learned are anything else

  39. Get your belongings.You should go to your bacement.No I have not taked to them. Yes I have a plan with my famliy. I feel sad about what happend.

  40. i would take all my stuff dnow to the basement in cover my head with covers and then when it passes i would go out and make sure its claer

  41. Hannah Basil and Rachel SchillerApril 23, 2012 at 9:09 AM

    We learned that tornadoes are very dangerous! A chance of our location having a tornado is very slim but can occur. If we were caught in a tornado we both would get to the safest floor in our house, which would be the basement. To be safe during the tornado we would need to get away from windows and doors.Both Hannah and I have not disguised the situation with our relatives but our plan to be safe would go to the lowest level. The latest tornado that came in our location was very sad. We feel sorry for the families that went through this disaster.

    1. i would take a radio in the basement so i could listing to the news.

  42. Andy Shirer & Matt GarbettApril 23, 2012 at 9:18 AM

    Very unlikely.Go under ground.Yes.It was very tragic.

    1. Danny McCarthy and Ben and Matt SchapkerApril 23, 2012 at 9:34 AM

      Andy and Matt you guys need more information a lot more, and put the sentences in complete sentences. But good job.

  43. i learned that tornados are dangrous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also learned that fifty-four tornadoes were reported in one day and 21 people died from the tornadoeses are very dangerous! In your home, you should go to your basement of anywhere else down low. You could also go to a room that has plumbing and no glass. Yes we have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  44. Andy Shirer & Matt GarbettApril 23, 2012 at 9:22 AM

    At Brandon Gardner and Ray Wink,
    Nice work.

  45. Danny McCarthy and Ben and Matt SchapkerApril 23, 2012 at 9:28 AM

    We learned that a tornado can be very destructive, and can happen anywhere. If a tornado were to occur you should take shelter as soon as possible. A safe place to go in your house would be the lowest level, and/or a room without windows. We haven't discussed this with our parents, and do not have a plan if an emergency were to happen, but we hope to change that. We think that the events that happened to our area in March were very sad and depressing.

    1. I think you should have put what it can destroy like name things but other wise I like it

  46. Jessica Rentz Kaylin Applegate Olivia OgdenApril 23, 2012 at 9:30 AM

    we learned that tornadoes can suck you away. You should go in to the basement. You need to go in a basement or and enclosed room with no windows. To be safe stay away from windows and doors.

  47. ManasaTalley and OliviaGundrum :)April 23, 2012 at 9:36 AM

    WE would go into the basement and hide under a table or blanket an freak out and scream for help and I say bring foods drinks...WE should bring are family and pets......

  48. We learned that natural disaster's can happen anywhere at anytime, and can be very dangerous. It is very unlikely that a tornado would happen today because it is not tornado season. i would find shelter like a sewer or metro tunnel.

  49. Johnathon Adelhardt,Simon Stucky,nathanael MeyerApril 23, 2012 at 1:19 PM

    We learned that you need to take cover and got to a safe place when these disasters happen.It really depends on where you live and the weather so it could be slight and not be slight.What you should do in a impending tornado is take cover in a safe place.In your home the basement.I have talked about this with my parents,yes I have a plan.I don't think they were that bad.

  50. Katherine SlatteryMay 14, 2012 at 6:54 AM

    @ Johnathon Adelhardt,Simon Stucky,nathanael Meyer...
    I agree with you answer but I think that you should have put something about all the tornadoes and how many people died (21), how many tornadoes were reported (54) and about the people in 1991 who took cover in an overpass. I also feel that you should have explained what a safe place is.
