Sunday, April 22, 2012

Earth Day

Sunday was Earth Day!  We weren't here at school to talk about the many events that go on across the country to celebrate Earth Day, so I thought  I would post this site.  Check it out and read about just a few of the things that are done to celebrate our Earth.  Did you know April 22 was Earth Day?  Did you do anything for Earth Day? 
What is something you could do?  We need to remember that just because Earth day is recognized on one specific date, every day we need to take steps to care for our Earth!

Earth Day


  1. Bryant Winters, Drew FitzGibbon, And Wade StengerApril 23, 2012 at 5:47 AM

    We did know that April 22nd was Earth day. Bryant mulched his front yard and planted dogwood trees. Drew didn't do anything for Earth day. Wade didn't do anything for Earth day. On Earth day we could plant trees and recycle.

  2. DSA<gfvebbbbbbbbbbbbbf;ockj

  3. Alex Stevens, Julia Glenn, and Lorraine LowreyApril 23, 2012 at 5:59 AM

    Lorraine unplugged her phone charger and turned off the lights that she wasn't using. Both Alex's parents and Julia's parents decided to freeze their children by not turning on the heat, and thus saving energy.
    Something else you can do is unplug high-electricity-using electronics, such as the TV and computer.
    You can also turn the water off, while brushing your teeth, and you can pour unfinished water into a plant's pot or a dog's bowl.

  4. Jordan(; and Kamal(:April 23, 2012 at 6:33 AM

    I don't do anything for earth day, i think we a;ll need to do somethings to help the earth before it does die from global warming and such but we don't and all we do is treat it with no respect.

    1. Rachel Schiller and Hannah BasilApril 23, 2012 at 9:30 AM

      We agree with your post. We think that the way people treat the earth is very poorly and someday we will learn that the earth needs to be taken care of. We think everyone needs to take action and save the earth. On small action with make a big difference in the world.

  5. I did not remember it was Earth Day. What people could do is recycle something. I think people should treat everyday like Earth Day.

  6. We didn't know it was Earth day. I drove home from Chicago. Brad played with his neighbor. Finn didn't do a whole ;lot. We can plant a trees or recycle more often.

  7. Katherine SlatteryApril 23, 2012 at 6:59 AM

    I remembered that it was Earth Day; however, I did not do anything to celebrate it. I could pick up trash, turn lights off/ use less electric, recycle and turn down the heat/ air conditioning. This is all reducing, reusing and recycling.

  8. I did know that Earth Day is April 22nd. However, I did not do anything exciting on that day.-Dominic Deutsch

  9. Rachel Schiller and Hannah BasilApril 23, 2012 at 9:27 AM

    Hannah didn't know that it was earth day but I was aware that it was earth day! Unfortunately, both of us did nothing to celebrate earth day. Somethings we could have done for earth day we could have planted a tree, recycled, conserve energy, picked up trash and save water.
