Monday, October 3, 2011

Follow Up to the Satellite which fell to Earth

Check out the following link and read the article.

Where did it fall?

What new information did you learn about this satellite and where it fell?


  1. Taylar H. , Brooke COctober 3, 2011 at 5:38 AM

    We learned that it didn't fall in Canada it fell in the South Pacific we also learned that nobody was injured when it fell to earth.

    ~Brooke C. & Taylar H.

  2. The satellite fell in the south pacific which is good because it didn't damage the earth or anyone. NASA is working on a way to reduce space junk that falls to the earth. The German ROSAT weighs 2 1/2 tons and a 1 in 2000 chance of someone on earth being hurt by the satellite and a 1 in 14 trillion chance of someone dieing from it even though there are only 7 billion people on the earth.

  3. Nate Horning and Wade StengerOctober 3, 2011 at 5:44 AM

    It fell in the South Pacfic and not Canada. It hit in early Saturday and not late Friday. I fell 10-15 minutes earlier than they thought. A German satellite also fell on Earth to but there is a 1-2000 chance of getting hit.

  4. Matthew Murphy and Bryant WintersOctober 3, 2011 at 5:46 AM

    It fell in the south pacific ocean, and no one was hurt when it fell into the ocean. and your odds of an individual being hit by part of the satellite are 1-in-14 trillion.

  5. the satilite fell in the pacific ocean but dint have any efect on the pacific ocean until when when debrie landed 300 miles away from where it landed

  6. Jordan Gardner/Cameron SanchesOctober 3, 2011 at 7:41 AM

    Wait a satilite fell to earth i didnt know that um i gues im glad that it didnt hit us cuz if it did a lot of peopl would have died in our area

  7. the satilite fell in the pacific ocean i think. but im glad that it didnt land on me or something like that.

  8. rachelle k , olivia g, jordan iOctober 3, 2011 at 9:24 AM

    the satilite fell in the south pacific ocean

  9. it fell into the pacific ocean

  10. That's good. I was afraid that it would hit someone. I wonder what would happen if someone did get hit, do you think that they would sue NASA? What happens if it hit an important building?

  11. I learned that it had a very slim chance of Hitting someone. I think it landed in the middle of the pacific ocean.
