Monday, October 31, 2011

The Great Pumpkin

In honor of Halloween being last night we have a little mixture of science and Halloween!
Check out the following video!

Leave your thoughts!

Pumpkin Physics


  1. We think it is pretty cool how pumpkins grow greatest under pressure, because you would think just the opposite, but it's not.

  2. I think that is cool that pumpkins in the Atlantic Giant can weigh up to 1800 pounds which is almost 1 ton.

  3. Bryant Winters and Matthew MurphyNovember 1, 2011 at 5:45 AM

    Large pumpkins look funny because gravity is pulling on them as they grow.We wonder why some pumpkins are bigger than others?

  4. @ Brynn and Julia I thought that was weird too because for other things grow best when not under pressure but pumpkins are the opposite.

  5. Rheanna Barry, Jalynn Johnson, and Maddie LindemannNovember 1, 2011 at 5:47 AM

    We all agree that it's weird that pumpkins grow under pressure but, it's also kind of interesting. The way that it changed shapes is also kind of weird. All three of us think that it is cool because we didn't know a pumpkin could get so big.

  6. We think it is cool that under pressure pumpkins get smaller, because you would think they would get samller.

    Nate and Wade

  7. Rheanna Barry, Jalynn Johnson, and Maddie LindemannNovember 1, 2011 at 5:57 AM

    @Bryant and Matthew
    Yeah. Huge pumpkins are lopsided and we also wonder why pumpkins can be so big compared to a normal one.

  8. Abby Coogan and Jenny KeyserNovember 1, 2011 at 5:57 AM

    We think that its cool how the pumpkins grow really large under pressure. We have never seen a pumpkin that big in our entire life!!! (We think its pretty cool!!)

  9. i think that it is pretty cool that pumpkins can get that big. They turn into blobs, though, and they don't look as nice as smaller pumpkins. This blob-like shape is caused by gravity. As the pumpkin gets larger and begins to weigh more, gravity pulls the top of the pumpkin down into the bottom until the bottom spreads out into a blob.

  10. J0n@th@n F!nn/W!ll $m!thNovember 1, 2011 at 6:53 AM

    We learned pumpkins get bigger when cells divide and expand. They are gravity has more to pull on when they get bigger.

  11. i think it is weird how that a punkin grows more whene its under presure than one that dont grow much from litel presure

  12. Andrea Schwab and Rachel LincolnNovember 1, 2011 at 6:55 AM

    I think it is crazy that a pumpkin can get that big without breaking. I have tried to grow pumpkins a couple times and they wont grow so I think it is amazing how someone can grow a pumpkin and get it to be that big. those people in the video must really love pumpkins to be able to grow them to be that big.

  13. Andrea Schwab and Rachel LincolnNovember 1, 2011 at 6:59 AM

    @ Alex s
    I agree that once the pumpkins get that big they do turn into blobs and don't look as good as small pumpkins, but I never knew what cause the pumpkins to turn into blobs and now I know it is because of gravity.

  14. W!ll $mIth/J0n@th@n F!nnNovember 1, 2011 at 6:59 AM

    @ Bryant and Matthew
    We also learned that pumpkins look weird because gravity pulls on it as it gets bigger. We figured out from a lab in 4th grade why it gets bigger, in the video it said that the champion pumpkin puts the pumpkins under a blanket which doesn't allow them to get any sunlight so it expands to try to get out from underneath the balnket to find sunlight.

  15. I think it would be weird to grow pumpkins that huge and enter a pumpkin growing contest because it would be a hobby that would be related to farming.-Dominic Deutsch

  16. mark schaaf and donnieNovember 1, 2011 at 7:50 AM

    i think it would be cool to grow a 500 lbs pumpkin because it would be cool to carve it... then you can take the big seeds and grow another big pumpkin

  17. Cameron Sanchez/Brad BeaversNovember 1, 2011 at 7:55 AM

    The pumpkins were really big . We think its cool how the pumpkins are huge.

  18. Kylie Lonneman and Mya HillNovember 1, 2011 at 8:41 AM

    We think thatthe pumpkins were cool and that we never seen pumpkins that big before and we would love to have one of those pumpkins because they are so cool.

  19. I never thought that pumpkins could grow that much maybe its because iv never gone to a pumpkin pach

  20. Brooke C and Taylar H(:November 1, 2011 at 4:49 PM

    we have never seen a pumkin that big before. its amazing. we wonder how long it took to grow all of those pumkins

    ~Taylar H and Brooke C

  21. how can it be one of the pumkins it has never
    been one. I never see one before I went to see one.

  22. I think it is cool how big pumpkins can get and the vidio is right the giant pumpkins do look alien like!
