Friday, March 9, 2012

Sedimentary Rocks

Read the following link.
Tell me about Sedimentary rocks.  Where do they come from, what types are there, what are some examples and where do we find them?  Anything else you learned?

Report your findings!

Sedimentary Rocks


  1. Bryant winters, Dylan nobleMarch 12, 2012 at 5:22 AM

    they can form in oceans and rivers. In the earths surface and mostly under water. Clastic, organic and chemical. Limestone, can be found on the ocean floor. Tuff, formed near volcanoes. Plankton shells can pile up and form limestone and chert.

  2. Lorraine Lowrey and Abby CooganMarch 12, 2012 at 5:27 AM

    They come from the earth's surface mostly underwater. There are three types, Clastic, Organic, and Chemical.
    Examples of Clastic: Sandstone, Shale, and Breccia. These are found any where sediment is deposited and develops over time.
    Examples of Organic: Limestone, Chert, and Coal. These are found in layers of the earth where dead plants and animals are being compressed over time.
    Examples of Chemical: Gypsum rock and Rock salt. These are found in evaporated parts of the ocean.
    Sedimentary Rocks are stories because each layer formed at a different time.

  3. sedimentary rocks come from sediment deposited overtime.quartz is one of the many kinds of sedimentary. We find them at sediment deposit's.
    Ross campbell Dallas Blasek

    1. Bryant winters, Dylan nobleMarch 12, 2012 at 5:35 AM

      Quarts is a mineral not a rock so it would not be formed the same way as sedimentary rocks. A example of sedimentary rock is Chert which is formed from dead plankton shells.

  4. Maddie Lindemann, Carley Snell, Liz Scarlato.March 12, 2012 at 5:30 AM

    Sedimentary rocks are formed mostly underwater. They are usually born cool at the earth's surface. They form in oceans and on the earths crust.

  5. NATE HORNING and Brett KronMarch 12, 2012 at 5:30 AM

    They are found at the earth's surface, mostly underwater. There are clastic, organic, and chemical. Quartz, and clay are types of places because they are carried by wind and water. Limestone and chert are formed from dead plankton and are usually found in the sea and are organic. gypsum and rock salt are chemical and are found in shallow seas. Sedimentary rocks are formed through many different layers built up on top of each other.

  6. Julia Glenn and Alexandra StevensMarch 12, 2012 at 5:31 AM

    Sedimentary rocks are formed from the build-up (or packing together) of sediments (rock fragments, sand, mud, dead plants, etc.). They are pressed together by water and/or wind. There are three different types of sedimentary rocks.

    The first one is clastic, meaning the rock is mostly made of surface materials, like sand, gravel and clay. Some of these are breccia, shale, and sandstone.

    The second one is organic, meaning that it is made of mostly things that were once living, like dead plants. Some examples of organic rocks are limestone and chert.

    Lastly, there is chemical. Some examples of these are stalactites, stalagmites, and columns (both combined). They form when saltwater evaporates and leaves the salt behind in a crystal-like rock form.

  7. Brian SchraffenbergerMarch 12, 2012 at 5:31 AM

    They are found in the earth's surface but mostly underwater. Clastic,organic, and chemical.I learned Limestone is organic

  8. Sedimenatary rocks are formed from layers of sediment and rocks being pressed together over a period of time. The three types are clastic, organic, and chemical. Some types are Tuff -which is from volcanic ash, Limestone and Chert -is formed on the ocean floor

    Wade Stenger and Drew FitzGibbon

  9. Sedimentary rocks mostly come from underwater. The three types are Clastic, Organic, And Chemical. A Clastic rock is Shale, and it can be formed when sediments like clay, mud, sand, and pebbles and stack on top of eachother. An Organic rock is Coal, these are formed when dead plants and animals pile on top of eachother. A Chemical rock is Gypsum and these can be formed when a part of an ocean evaporates. Sedimentary rocks are made out of layers of mud,sand,clay,and pebbles.

  10. Sedimentary rocks are created cool on the Earth's surface, mostly under water, such as in rivers or oceans. The types of sedimentary rocks that there are would be clastic, organic and chemical sedimentary rocks. Some examples of clastic are quartz, sandstone, shale, conglomerate, and breccia. Some examples of organic sedimentary rocks are limestone, chert, and peat. An example of chemical sedimentary rocks is gypsum. Limestone can be found by the ocean floor, and tuff is formed near volcanoes. Something I learned is that chert can form from precipitation.

  11. Matthew Murphy, and Jalynn JohnsonMarch 12, 2012 at 5:52 AM

    Sedimentary rocks are formed mostly underwater in oceans and rivers. The 3 different types of sedimentary rocks are clastic, organic, and chemical. Some clastic rocks are sandstone, and shale. An example of organic is limestone. Chemical rocks are gypsum. And that each sedimentary rocks have a story. Such as having fossils, water marks on it, and mudcracks or more subtle features seen under a microscope in a lab.

  12. Sedimentary rocks are found underwater.Some types of sedimentary rocks are quartz and Tuff.Tuff is found near volcanoes because they are made from volcanic ash, quartz is found underwater.

    ~Taylar Herbers

  13. they come from layers of sediment that build up over time it can be made of mud,dirt,clay,etc. Cliff or dried 9out rivers.

  14. Alex Anderrsoonnn annd Saaraa Bloeemmkerr(:March 12, 2012 at 6:24 AM

    Sedimentary rocks are formed mostly underwater. They are usually born cool at the earth's surface. They form in oceans and on the earths crust. Clastic, organic and chemical. Limestone, can be found on the ocean floor. Tuff, formed near volcanoes. Plankton shells can pile up and form limestone and chert.

  15. Sedimentary rocks are the second rock class. Igneous rocks are born hot, but sedimentary rocks are born cool at the Earth's surface, mostly under water. They usually have layers or strata that is why they are also called stratified rocks.

    3 Sedimentary rock types
    -Clastic Sedimentary Rocks
    -Organic Sedimentary Rocks
    -Chemical Sedimentary Rocks

  16. Bailee, Meara, and KatMarch 12, 2012 at 6:26 AM

    Sedimentary rocks are made up of little pieces of broken rock called sediments. They are pressed together into one rock. There are clastic sedimentary rocks, organic sedimentary rocks and chemical sedimentary rocks. Some types of sedimentary rocks are tuff and quartz.

  17. I found that sedimentary rocks are the second greatest rock class. Plus whereas it said that igneous rocks are really hot sedimentary are cold. I also found out that sedimentary rocks are made of layers or other wise called strata or stratified rocks.

  18. Sedimentary rocks are the second great rock class. Sedimentary rocks are born cool at the Earth's surface and are mostly under water. They usually consist of layers or strata, they are also called stratified rocks. The most common set of sedimentary rocks consist of the granular materials that occur in sediment such as mud, sand, gravel and clay. 1)clastic sedimentary rocks such as breccia, conglomerate, sandstone and shale, that are formed from mechanical weathering debris. 2)chemical sedimentary rocks such as rock salt and some limestones, that form when dissolved materials precipitate from solution 3)organic sedimentary rocks such as coal and some limestones which form from the accumulation of plant or animal debris.

  19. Sam Gunther and Charlie RainesMarch 12, 2012 at 6:31 AM

    Sedimentary rocks are formed underwater.The types of sedimentary rocks and examples of each type are Clastic rocks, Organic rocks, and chemical rocks.Sandstone, conglomerate and tuff are all found by different pieces of sediment pilling on top of each other.

  20. Sedimentary rocks are formed mostly underwater.The three types are clastic, organic, and chemical. Some clastic rocks are sandstone, and shale. They are usually born cool at the earth's surface. They form in oceans and on the earths crust.

  21. Sarah Colwell and Maggie HooverMarch 12, 2012 at 6:36 AM

    Sedimentary rocks come from the earth's surface but mostly underwater. The three types of rocks are Clastic, Organic, and Chemical. Some examples of Clastic is quartz, sandstone, and shale. Clastic rocks are found from sediment being deposited. Some examples of Organic sedimentary rocks are limestone, chert and peat. Organic rocks are found in the layers of dead animals and plants. An example of Chemical rocks is gypsum. Chemical rocks are found in the evaporated parts of the ocean. We learned that sedimentary rocks are like a story, each are different from the other.

  22. Lexi McAfee and Sydney StedamMarch 12, 2012 at 6:39 AM

    Sedimentary rocks come from the surface ad soil. There are plastic, chemical, and organic types of sedimentary.
    Chemical- rock salt, calcite, and gypsum. They come from evaporated parts of the ocean.
    Clastic: sandstone, shale, and breccia. These are from any where sediment is deposited and develops over time.
    Organic: limestone, chert, and coal. These are found in layers of the earth where dead plants and animals are being compressed over time.

  23. Jenna Bertke, Cara Roche and Jordan IoriMarch 12, 2012 at 7:00 AM

    Sedimentary rocks come from the surface of the earth. There are three types of sedimentary rocks, Clastic: Made from mud, sand, clay and other things that may have been stuck in there pressed into a rock. Organic: Made from once living things but has been pressed into a rock. Shells and bones can be organic rocks. Chemical: Rocks formed when minerals are left behind as a result of evaporation. Some examples of sedimentary rocks are sandstone, mostly found in deserts and made from layers of sand. Or siltstone which can be found in rivers and is made of the sediments that rivers leave behind, it is harder than sandstone being made from rock and sand bits.

  24. sedimentary rocks are formed mostly underwater.they are usually born cool at the earths surface.they form in oceans and on the earths crust.clastic organic and chemical.limestone can be found on the ocean floor.tuff formed near volcanoes.plankton shells can pile up and form limestone and chert.

  25. Sedimentary rocks are formed mostly underwater in oceans and rivers. The 3 different types of sedimentary rocks are clastic, organic, and chemical. Some clastic rocks are sandstone, and shale.

  26. Mrs.Hoffman,
    Sedimentary rocks are born cool at the Earth's surface, mostly under water.There are Coal,Rock Salt,Chert,and Limestone&E.T.C.

  27. Mark Schaaf Cameron SanchezMarch 12, 2012 at 7:24 AM

    The most common set of sedimentary rocks consist of the granular materials that occur in sediment: mud and sand and gravel and clay. Sediment mostly consists of surface minerals — quartz and clays — that are made by the physical breakdown and chemical alteration of rocks.

  28. Sedimentary rocks cool on the Earth's surface under a layer of water in sediment.-Dominic Deutsch

  29. Chyanne Berger & Erin PeggMarch 12, 2012 at 7:27 AM

    They come from under the water and the earths surface.Types of rocks would be sandstone,shale,breccia. Under water , underground and it can be above ground on the earths surface.

  30. nick sferrazza,corey wilhoiteMarch 12, 2012 at 7:28 AM

    clastic sedimentary are from the surface,organic sedimentary comes from seas ,chemical sedimentary come from shallow parts of the sea,diagenesis sedimentary from underground.sedimentary rocks are the second great rock classs.

  31. Mrs.Hoffman,
    Sedimentary rocks come from the earth's surface mostly under water.There are Clastic,Organic and Chemical sedimentary rock types.You can find them near gravel,mud,sand,and shallow seas.I learned that these rocks can be found in many places around the earth.

    ~Kylie Lonneman

  32. sedimentary rocks are formed from materials that have been pressed together with so much pressure and so many years one of them is diamond.

  33. sedimentary rocks mostly come from water can find them in the ocean ans in rivers,i learned that all kinds of sedimentary rocks are subject to further changes during their stay underground.

  34. brandon tyler gardner ///// brandi luersMarch 12, 2012 at 7:45 AM

    rocks our mostly formed under water ... they our cool sometimes and rocks can be instresting to find . shells can make a big stack of limestone and chert .

  35. Keagen Gulley, and Derek Ellis!March 12, 2012 at 8:57 AM

    They can form in oceans and rivers. There are three types, Clastic, Organic, and Chemical. Sedimentary rocks are made cool at the Earth's crust.

  36. kaylin applegate olivia ogden olivia gundrumMarch 12, 2012 at 9:03 AM

    particals compat together and harden and make a sedimentary rock.There are organic,chemical,Diagenesis.

  37. rachel schiller, rachelle kuebel, hannah basilMarch 12, 2012 at 9:03 AM

    Sedimentary rocks mostly form under water. There are three different types of Sedimentary rocks. There is Chemical, Clastic, and Organic.Tuff is an example. Tuff is ash that has fallen from the volcano. We learned that sediments can form where dead plant materials build up into think layers.

  38. they are rocks made from sediment found around rivers sandstone is one type

  39. Matt Schapker and Danny McCarthyMarch 12, 2012 at 9:04 AM

    Sedimentary rocks are formed mostly underwater in oceans and rivers. The 3 different types of sedimentary rocks are clastic, organic, and chemical. Some clastic rocks are sandstone, and shale. An example of organic is limestone. Chemical rocks are gypsum. And that each sedimentary rocks have a story. Such as having fossils, water marks on it, and mudcracks or more subtle features seen under a microscope in a lab.

  40. corey, joe, and benMarch 12, 2012 at 9:08 AM

    Sedimentary rocks come from underground as coal or dead plants mostly under water. There are 3 different types of sedimentary rocks ...they are called clastic, organic, and chemical.

    CLASTIC: Quartz

    ORGANIC: Limestone.

    CHEMICAL: Gypsum

  41. sedimentary rocks form mostly under water, They usually consist of layers or strata

  42. Andy Shirer & Matt GarbettMarch 12, 2012 at 9:12 AM

    Sedimentary rocks are made cold at the Earth'surface, mostly under water.Carbonate and Silica.Quartz and Clays, on the earth's surface like under water.

  43. C.J. siegel and John AdelhardtMarch 12, 2012 at 9:16 AM

    They are made cool at the earth's surface.Different types are organic,chemical,diagenesis.Another type of sediment actually forms in the sea as microscopic organisms for organic.Chemical by percipatation.Diagenesis all kinds of sedimentary rocks are subject to further changes during their stay underground.

  44. Johnathon Adelhardt and CJ siegleMarch 12, 2012 at 4:54 PM

    The beauty of sedimentary rocks is that their strata are full of clues to what the past world was like.That is something we learned.These same ancient shallow seas sometimes allowed large areas to become isolated and begin drying up. In that setting, as the seawater grows more concentrated, minerals begin to come out of solution (precipitate), starting with calcite, then gypsum, then halite. This is where you find chemical and where it forms.And where it is from.
