Sunday, September 25, 2011

Cataloging the Skies

Listen to the following podcast:

Planet X

What did you learn from this podcast?


  1. Bryant Winters and Matthew MurphySeptember 26, 2011 at 5:43 AM

    We learned that people have been looking for a good place for a observitory since the time of the wild west. They found the perfect place in Lowell and it has been used since then to make amazing discoveries like planet X, the big bang theory, and the idea that the universe is expanding.

  2. Taylar H. & Brooke C.September 26, 2011 at 5:49 AM

    We learned that they found a great place for an obsevitory in Lowell.They also used to discover planet X which is now Jupiter.

    ~Brooke Chesney & Taylar Herbers

  3. we learned they found a great place its jupiter ....... its the farest away from the sun

    brandi luers

  4. they found a great place for an observatory in Lowell. from that they discovered the big bang theory, planet X, and the idea that the universe is expanding.

  5. @ Bryant Winters and Matthew Murphy
    i agree with what you said

  6. Learned that they found a good place for an observatory in Lowell... From this station they learned about the big bang theory, Planet X *pluto* and along the universe expanding!

  7. Simba Grayson and Nick GoldfussSeptember 26, 2011 at 9:31 AM

    So in Lowell they found Pluto and evidence of the bigbang theory One thing my cousin in college told me was that they would be able to estimate the distance put the universe is expanding

  8. Simba Grayson and Nick GoldfussSeptember 26, 2011 at 9:32 AM

    @Patrick Oconell same
