Monday, September 5, 2011

Hurricane Katia

A new hurricane has been working up in strength over the past few days.  It has now reached Category 3 status.  Read the following article.  How would you feel if you were stuck in a hurricane?   What would you do?  If a hurricane was headed towards where you live what would you do?  Leave your thoughts and make sure you answer all questions.

Hurricane Katia


  1. I would freak out and start heading fo the middle of the united states. I would pack every thing. I would pack all the food too. Also i would try to stay calm as best as i can.

  2. If I was stuck in a hurricane, I would be scared. I would go up into my attic (since it's the highest place in my house) in order to not drown. If a hurricane was headed towards where I lived, I would evacuate and head into land. I definitley wouldn't risk my life by staying!!!

  3. I would be very scared if i got stuck in a hurricane. I would block my windows with sheet metal and reinforce my house to protect against the storm. I would also stay in the attic to stay safe. A hurricane would be a horrible experience for me.

  4. If I were in a hurricane I would be very scared. I would go somewhere that has a low risk of being flooded (the highest point of a building). If a hurricane was heading towards me I would prepare ahead of time (if possible) by getting a lot of food, water, and anything else needed for survival. Another thing I would do to prepare is that if I had a chance to leave ahead of time, I would do that first.

  5. I would probably try to stay calm and stay put. i would get stuff packed and get ready to go if it were heading to my house. i would probably be really freaked out.

  6. If I were stuck in a hurricane, I would be really scared because I know almost nothing about hurricanes. I know a little bit about tornadoes because of a project that I did in fourth grade, so I know what you are supposed to do if there were to be a tornado, but if here was a hurricane I would be in danger because of my lack of knowledge. If there was a hurrciane, I would probably go to the basement just like if there was a tornado. If a hurricane was headed towards where I live, I would probably go somewhere else, if there is time. This is because I would not want to be stuck in the middle of a hurrciane.

  7. If I was stuck in a hurricane I would be scared cause there would be a high chance I would get swept away in it. I would try to get to a shelter underground because of the wind when the water starts building up in the shelter I would get on the roof of a building. If a hurricane came near where I lived I would be only worried about the high winds because the water of the hurricane couldn't reach where we lived.

  8. Wow, I'm suprised I just heard about this. If I were in a hurricane I would suggest to either pack up and leave or get to the safest and farthest away place possible from the hurricane, but if I were stuck in a hurricane I would probably get to the highest place possible, so it would be harder for the place to be damaged by the hurricane, but I would probably try to bring my family with me.

  9. if i were stuck in a hurrican i would be scared but i would thing it was kinda cool because i have never been in one before but i have been in a storm that caused a really bad flood so i guess it was kinda similar also i would try and get to the highest point of my house that way i wouldnt accually be in the water.if there was a hurrican going to hit where i live i would probably move untill the storm passed that way all of our stuff wouldnt get ruiend and there wouldnt be any damages

    ~Taylar Herbers

  10. I would hate to be in a hurricane with the wind and rain and flooding I would find a boat and just wait out the storm.If a hurricane was headed towards where I live I would hurry up and leave.

  11. @ Zach Schmidt
    I would probably do the same thing because thats what my mom would want us to do.

  12. @ Alex

    I totally agree I know nothing about hurricanes, except that it can cause a lot of damage, and that it can threaten the lives of people, so I would not do good if a hurricane struck somewhere near me.

  13. I would be terrified, worried,& nervous if I was stuck in a hurricane. I'm glad I don't live near water, I like where I live now. I would go out of the state where it would be safe & stay at a hotel probably, if it was really bad. I am thankful not living in an area where there can't really be a hurricane!

  14. @ Alex Stevens

    You would not want to go into your basement if there was a hurricane because if water from flooding got into your house somehow, it would be possible that you could drown. And don't worry, I did my report on hurricanes in 4th grade! :)

  15. @ Jenny Keyser

    I didn't know that you were supposed to go to the highest place in your house during a hurricane. Wouldn't that be even more dangerous because the force of the winds could blow over the house? Some houses aren't sturdy enough to stand against hurricane winds.

  16. i would pack all that i cood and drive to the midle of the united states till the storm was gone.and if i was stuck in a huricane i would try to get to higher ground so i woulnt be as afectied if i was on the low ground. I would besacred if i was stuck in a huricane

  17. If I was stuck in a hurricane I would find a lot of floatingg items in grasp on to them for life (asuming i was in flood waters) if not i would stay in my attic. if one was coming i'd drive inland and sstay in a hotel untill the storm passes.

  18. Mrs. Hoffman,
    Honestly i would be terrified if i was in a hurricane because you dont know whats going to happen. I would probballay scream and yell. i would also try to get out the hurricane. If a hurricane was coming towards where I live, I would most likely high tale it out of there!!!!

  19. @Wade Stenger
    i agree i would find a boat too that way i DONT drown.(:

    ~Taylar Herbers

  20. @Jalynn Johnson
    that is so true i think that is the smart way to survival than freaking out.

  21. Well first off if a huricane was heading my way i'd feel totally use less against such a storm. I would probably pack up everything and head back home to good old cincinnati. And the worst part is my house would totally be destroyed since there is not much you can do to protect it from that. I would be freaking out if i was stuck in an actual huricane i wouldn't know what to do. I probably go upstairs and pray that the huricane won't kill me.

  22. @ Jenny Keyser

    I didn't think of the drowning factor. I was just thinking about not having the wind blow over the house if it isn't strong enough to hold. You are probably right though. I definitely would not want to drown!

  23. If I was stuck in a hurricane I would be scared. I would try to avoid the water and stay in my house. I wouldn't risk my life for a few moments in the water, even on the hottest days.

  24. If a hurricane was headed for us I would be really scared. I'd just wait for my parents to tell me what to do because I wouldn't have a clue. I read a book about some kids who where stuck in a hurricane and they just headed for higher land, but they where on an island and a huge wave was coming so I don't know if we'd do the same thing.

  25. I would be very nervous if I was stuck in a hurricane.I would put boards on my windows so water couldn't get in. I would evacuate my house and bring anything that is very important or anything I really need like food and clothes

  26. @ Taylar,
    I have never been in a hurricane before either! I think it would be scary but cool at the same time, since i've never seen one before. Going to the highest point of a building would probably be the best idea during a hurricane! Or move to where it is safe until the hurricane passes by.

  27. I hope everyone is ok and if i was there i wouldnt pack anything i would just try to be on the next trip out. Because packing takes time and being safe is more important than haveing all of your stuff. And i would hope everyone would be ok.

  28. If a hurricane would head for Cincinnati i would be so scared, I hate sever weather. I would try not to freak out,but I would stay inside the whole time. I would be affaid that everything outside would get damaged from the weather.

  29. If I was stuck in a hurricane I would be very nervous. I would go to my basement and if water started leaking in I would go upstairs. I dont know anything about hurricanes though, so if there was one i wouldn't know what to do

  30. If I were stuck in a hurricane I would be terrified. I would probably go to the highest part in my house even though I live on a huge hill. I would take everything in my house to the very top floor so it wouldn't get ruined. That would be a scary situation for you and all the people around you.

  31. @Joshua Whalen

    i would probably hide in the attic too and if i was in the water i would grab something that would keep me up and out of the water but i would try to find a different building to hide on

  32. @ Julia Glenn

    I would also try to take my family with me so no one gets hurt and so i wouldn't have to worry about everyone because they would be with me.

  33. @ zach schimt
    I agre with zach i would pack up and leave to.

  34. @ Jalynn Johnson what when ur in ur attic and the roof flys off in a shower off wooden splinters sticking in everything bcus wooden splinters r sharp

  35. I would fell like i was dead if i was stuck in hurricane. I would try to get out before I was thrown across the earth. If a hurricane was head to my home i would hide down stairs and pray I don't die.

  36. @ Alex Stevens

    Perhaps there would be a danger of going up into the highest point of your house. If you have a brick house, I think that maybe it could stand against hurricane-force winds. But if your house was made completely out of wood, then there would be more of a danger in staying anywhere in your house. But I don't think that I would be courageous enough to stay in a town/city that a hurricane would hit. Would you guys stay or leave????

  37. @ Matthew Murphy,
    I would have to agree with you i would pray to because i dont want to die.

  38. @ Wade Stengs
    I would leave right away to. I wouldn't risk my life because I don't feel like packing my things

  39. If i was in a huricane i dont know what i would do because i dont have a basement or an attic. I woulnt be to happy if i was in a huricane.If a huricane was comeing to where i live i would pack up all of the essential stuff like food, water, blakets, clothes all of the stuff i need to survive hop in a car with my family and go pick up ther rest of my family.

  40. If I was stuck in a hurricane I would be really scared. I would go to the attic (because it's the highest point in the inside of my house). If a hurricane was headed towards me I would but floaties on my arm and run to a safer place!

  41. @ Jenny
    I Wouldn't go to the highest point in my house beacause then you'd be stuck under alot of debree if the wind blew your house down

  42. @Matthew Murphy
    what you wrote is pretty funny but so true. i think that we just have to hope for the best. we cant prepare for every thing even a hurricane.

  43. @rose cambell what if the hurricane hit the high ground and you had no were to go and you got stuck in the hurricane

  44. @ lorraine lowrey

    i totally agree with what you said about leaving, but what would you do if you right in the middle of the huricane and you didnt have time to leave the state. what would you do? Would you run to the highest point you know to eleminate the risk of flooding. Or would you just sit there and pray.

  45. If i was ever stuck in a hurricane i would be sacared and do what Eric said, run for my basement and if water leaked in run upstairs in my room(since its the highest point in our house)If a hurricane was headed in my way i would go to the safest point in my house or run out of my house to another safe place.

  46. @ Maddie Lindemann
    I was thinking about that!; going and staying in a hotel farther away. But then I realized : you can't take everything you own such as furniture and stuff like that. I would be scared that I would come back to my house and everything in it to be destroyed.

  47. @ Taylar
    I don't really think that it would be that cool i would be so scared if a hurricane hit us, there could be a lot of damage.:(

  48. @ Jalynn Johnson
    I totally agree i know nothing about hurricanes so i dont know what would be safer on a boat like what Wade said or in the attic like what Jenny said. But i would go with the boat because the building could fall down and you can get trapped inside.

  49. @nate horning

    i would also go into the attic and use something to float (not floaties...)

  50. @zach
    only bad thing is if water raised pass the attic you would sufficate, maybe it would be better to go for a hill instead...

  51. @ Jenny
    I Guess I'd leave the area the hurricane was going to hit. That seems like the most logical was to stay safe.

  52. @ Dallas Blasek
    I would also fell like i was dead how could you tell if you dead or not so i would feel dead to.

  53. @Matt Murphy
    I would probably pray too because I would not want to die or any of my family members to ie also...

  54. @joshua whalen

    thats a nice way to put it... but i would swim out of my house if i could hold my breath that long which i probably couldnt...

  55. @ Nate Horning
    I totally agre with your floaties idea. I would want something to float so I don't drown

  56. @Brooke
    well i dont think it would be cool because of damages and things like that but i just think if there was one happening it would be a neat experience.(:

    ~Taylar Herbers

  57. @ Nate

    What you said was pretty funny, but I can see why you would do that. I would do that if it was my very, very last option for survival.

  58. @ Nate Horning

    You are a character, Nate. But realistically, you would not survive if you put floaties on your arms.

  59. @ Drew FitzGibbon
    I would pack up everything and leave also

  60. @ Drew FitzGibbon
    If you were leaving the house why would you put up the boards anyway? Also what if you dont have enough time to put them up?

  61. @zach
    It would be smarter if the attic starts to fill
    to smash a whole in the top and rise withn the water up and out of it, my attic is wood so it shouldn't be much of a problem

  62. @ everyone
    I would probably do one of the things that everyone listed depending if I was panicing or not , which I probably would be.

  63. @Nate,
    Nate that would be pretty funny, but what if the floaties weren't strong enough? What would you do THEN? Nice thinking,but that is still a good idea though! Your my idol(: Haha!

  64. @ Matthew Murphy

    I would probably pray.It seems like it would be the most logical thing to do if you were stuck in a hurricane. And thanks for bringing that up. I didn't think about that before.

  65. @ liz scarlato
    I would also hope that my family is ok how would have a way to contact them.

  66. @josh

    yep i was starting to think of breaking this little vent in my attic i would bring something up with me to smash a hole, but if you were underwater i dont think you could get enough speed with anything to break a hole...

  67. @ Maddie Lindemann
    I would be realy scared too but we had a glimps of a hurrican back in the 3rd grad and that was not bad.

  68. @rheanna Berry

    Wouldnt it be kinda hard to put all of your furniture and everything at your top floor and how would you do it there wouldnt be enough time i would just make a run for it.

  69. @ Alex Stevens
    I agree I would probably get up somewhere on my roof.

  70. @dylan noble I agree I may possibly get in a car but what if you are getting in a car and all the sudden the hurricane was right behind you.

  71. @ nate horning

    Sorry to burst your bubble bud, but a couple of floaties wont save you from a big bad huricane. I love how you think it will work though. If you could get away would you, or would you stay and see if ur floaties will save you.

  72. @ zach
    well i said as soon as the water hits your feet not as soon as its all under water.

  73. I would be really worried if I was ever caught in a Hurricane. I would go to my basement. I would want something to float on. If a hurricane was headed torwards where I live I would go to what I thought was the safest spot.

  74. i would be very nervous if i was in a huricane.if i was in one i would try to find safty.if i knew a huricane was heading to were i lived i would get to safty before the huricane comes.

  75. If I were in a hurricane, I would panic because big storms freak me out. As soon as I heard there was going to be a hurricane heading my way, I would pack up every important thing I have and go to either another state where maybe a relative or friend lived, or go to a safer area of the state I would be living in. I know very little about hurricanes so I would get out of wherever I was. I would drive to the new place I would be going to because, if a hurricane was close, I would think there would be high winds, and I wouldn't want to be in an airplane...

  76. I think that two hurricanes hitting the same place is terrible even one hurricane is bad news so i could only imagine the damage that will be caused. If i lived in a place where hurricanes happened i would have a small shelter room that goes under the basement.

  77. I would go to the lowest level in my house because even though there are floods a hurricane still has high winds so I would rather get my feet wet than fly through the air like a cow you see in movies.

  78. there is a lot of hurcanes just waiting to come. i feel like every year there is some kind of distruction. like the hurcane we had in ohio it was small but school was out so i was stong enough.

  79. That hurricane seems like it will cause alot of damage, I hope when it hits the people there will have evacuated in time. If I was in a hurricane I would probly feel terrified, if I were to do anything it would be get to safty with the family. If a hurricane was coming toward my home I would grab our dog, some valubles if I had the time and get to the basment with the rest of my family and wait. Im sure hio wont be having a hurricane anytime soon so I dont orry about it much, the same with torrnados or floods. But I may not know what to do if a hurricane were to suddenly hit.

  80. @ Maddie Lindemann

    I agree with the idea of staying in a hotel somewhere else, but I wonder what you would do if you had pets...

  81. If I was stuck in a hurricane then I would be scared and excited and I would hide somewhere in my basement.

  82. @ Drew FitzGibbon
    Ilike how you said you would put boards over your windows that way water couldn't get in that is very smart. I would also bring food and water.

  83. If I was stuck in a hurricane i would be very scared because ther are usaly fluds in hurricanes and there is a leek in my bassment and when it rains realy hard after a drout a pudle will start to form. If i was in a hurricane I would grab eaverything of value to me and stuff it in my pockets. Also if I knew the hurricane was coming I would brake the windows then bord them up.

  84. @Angel Conway: Ha ha! I wouldnt want to be a cow either! But I think you have a piont, it would be good to go to the lowest levle in your house, but what if your house does flood, a hurricane carries alot of water and you could drown, on the other hand you dont want to stand outside running around screaming that a hurricanes coming towards you. Who thinks its better to go to the lowest level of your house? Thats what I would do, even with the chance of flooding.

  85. If I were in the middle of a hurrican, I would be scared for my life and others. If I were stuck in a hurrican I would not go out on the beach because Robbie Berg said, "It may be a nice day out and you may just not know that there are rip currents there that can pull you out to sea. The worst place to be is on the beach. I would stay at home and if my house began to flood, I would get to higher ground.

  86. @ Julia & Alex
    You 2 are some of my best friends and you are going to stand on a roof in 115 mph winds?
    Yeah I know you might get your feet wet if you don't go on the roof but it is better than flying through the air like the wicked whitch of the west!!!!!!!!!!!!

  87. @ Alex Anderson
    That is a great idea to have a small shelter spot if a lot of hurricanes hit there.

  88. @ Maggie Hoover

    I would probably go to a family members house that lives in a different state too.I'm fine with storms but a hurricane would be bad deffinently if you lived on the coast line.

  89. @ Jonathan finn
    i would want something to float on to...

  90. I am surprised that I have not heard about this yet. If i were stuck in a huricane i would try to stay calmbut i would probably probably panic anyway. I would go to my top floor of my house. This would be a very very scary expeince for me, i hate storms so i dont think id do well with a tropical storm like this.Another this is i dont know anything at all about hurricanes so it would be hard for me.

  91. If a hurricane was heading my way I would try to stay calm but I would be scared and upset to possibly have to leave my things behind. I would try to gather a few gallons of water, a flashlight, a few batteries, a rope, food, clothes, first aid pack, candles, matches, and a noise maker in case i get stuck anywhere. i would go upstairs and wait in my bathtub. but first i would leave a sign outside a window that I was there and try to make sure my animals and family are alright if possible.

  92. If I was stuck in a Hurricane I would, of course, be afraid. I would take with me what I would need for survival and move to a safe location. It must've been terrible to have your home destroyed in something like that.

  93. If i was stuck in a hurricane I would be nervous and excited to see what happens..and I would probably go to the highest point of my house fo r saftey..

  94. I would pack up and get out! I live on a hill so the flooding might not be to bad but I would want to try and get out the path of the hurricane. It would be really hard to go home and see your home and possesions destroied.

  95. @W!ll $mith: I agree completely, but the part about boarding up the windows... I dont think you could do that. One you woulndt really have a pile of boards sitting in your house, two why would you smash the windows and three boarding them up would take a very long time and you may not have that time. But grabing everything ou can and getting to the lowest level of your house is a good idea, bringing food and money may help alot too after the damage has been done. Nice thinking Will.

  96. @ Angle Conway

    Haha. Like your comment about the cow =P.
    But what if your entire basement was flooded? Then it began to go higher in to your house. You would drown if you stay at lower ground. I would rather stay higher on ground than water level. Plus you could get washed away if you stay in the water. Then you'll be stuck.

  97. @ Jenny
    Well even if you didn't go in the basement you still shouldn't go on the roof!!!! I mean really o'sure I'll just go on the roof as is this isn't practically a tornado with tons of rain.
    Seriously, THINK.

  98. @ sam gunther
    I dissagree about going to your basement because hurricanes normaly cause flooding so you would maybe want to get to higher ground.

  99. @ alex s.
    i could not imagne if two hurricanes hit at the same plcae there would be so much disater and parts of houses all over the place. i feel bad for the people who have to deal with one. that would be a graet idea to have a little place lower than your basement im sure that would keep you safe!

  100. @ sara bloemker
    you dont want to go to the highist point in your house u want to go low other wise the hurcane would get you

  101. if I knew a huricane was on its way to where I live i would pack up my things and leave and go somwhere where its safe. I would be terrified of what my house whould look like when I returned. Would it still be standing? or will it be completly destroyed by the huricane? Before I left my house I would board up the windows and try to take every thing I could with me.

  102. If I were stuck in huricane Katia I would be very scared right now, just knowing how hard the waves are hitting the shore lines down on the East Coast. I would probably be in my basement preparing just in case if the water hit my house very hard. I would like to hear other idea's on huricane Katia.

  103. @ Jenna
    I see your point but still don't go on the roof.
    Really people, don't you think about this at all?

  104. If I was stuck in a hurricane I would be scared. I would probaly go upstairs in room with a window so if i needed to I could jump out the window. If there was a hurricane headed toward where I lived I would pack up evrything I could and evacuate probaly to Cincinnati because thats where my friends and family are.

  105. @Angel Conway
    uh... I think you would get more than just your feet wet...

  106. @ Brady Doyle

    I remember when school was out because of the hurricane winds it was pretty bad and that wasnt even all of the effects of a actual hurricane.

  107. @Rose that would be depressing leaving your home because it would be destroyed..What would you do if your home was destroyed?..I would go live wiwth relitives that lived close(if there house wasnt destroyed too.)...

  108. @ angel conway
    I agree that you wouldnt go on the roof or the basement. you would want to go upstairs though.

  109. I didnt know about hurricane Katia until this morning on the news.Last year during hurricane Ike my mom,my sister and me went outside on our backyard deck and my sister Katrina almost fell off of the deck.And also hurricane Ike knocked down the pine tree in my front yard and the pine tree was about 80 feet tall!

  110. @ Lex
    read my @ Jenna

  111. @ lex m.
    i would be scared to go to the beach. you might thik its a wonderful beautiful day but then the water and waves pull you in that would be scary!!

  112. @ Alexus McAfee
    I agree I would be more concerned about my family and friends than myself.

  113. @ Rose Stedam:
    I agree =). I wouldn't want to go through somthing like that. You would need to survie by yourself till people come and help you and bring fresh water and food.
    I have a question for you: would you rather go to higher or lower ground...?

  114. @ will smith
    I agree I would board up the windows too. To try to limit the damage.

  115. If I was in a hurricane I would definately be scared. Even if you had a good strong house it wouldn't stand a chance against a hurricane. I think that I would take the bare necessities and leave imediately. I might take money, blankets food, people, and pets. What woulld you bring?

  116. @ alex anderson
    well okay im just saying it was very windy and stuff

  117. @ Will Smith
    I agree with you I would also stuff my pockets with everything that I could that was valuable to me. That is smart to board up your windows. Why would you break the windows?

  118. @ Sydney Stedam
    I agree that it is terrable to hear about all of the huricanes coming in and that people could be dying right now. I and everyone else i think would be afraid.

  119. @ Meara
    Not unless your basement was completely flooded and there wasn't any place to breath I mean most peoples basements are about as big as one level in thier house.

  120. @ brad
    dont you think the basement would flood thought. i think i might feel safer on a little bit higher floor.what are some reasons you would go in the basement??

  121. @Brady I would go to the highest point..because if I went to the lowest point(my basement) Id get all wet because my basement floods so..i think the highest point would be better..

  122. @ Angle Conway:
    But Angle, most people go to higher ground in a hurrican. Most people survive if they go to higher. In a tornado, you'd go to lower ground.

  123. @Lex
    I would go to a higher level- I'm more afraid of water than wind.

  124. How here thinks they would do fine in a hurricane? Why do some of you think you should go up on the roof when the hurricane can just suck you up? Does anyone think having an inflatable boat (Or something that will float very well) will help them surive? I would love to see some of these answers and how all of you really think about the situation.

  125. @ Andrea Schwb I don't think boarding up windows would enirely work but it would minimize damage. I think I just won't move to an area that has hurricanes. O r lots of tornadoes like Kansas has. Or even eathquakes like california has, Ohio is a pretty good place as fa as natural disasters go.

  126. @ Rose
    Have you seen the pics? there are only like 1 or 2 feet of water.
    Plus read my @ Meara

  127. @ Katherine Slattery
    I would also bring the only things i need with me to make it easier to travel if the huricane came our way (which it won't)were would you go?

  128. @ bailey
    are you thinking about it by the end of the storm everything but the roof is flooded what are you gonna do?

  129. @ brady Doyle

    There were powerlines down and trees uprooted too.

  130. @ Lex
    Read my @ Jenny

  131. @ johnathen finn
    I disagre I would pack up my stuff and come back to cincinnati where i know its safe. Not hide in my basement.

  132. @ Jonathan Finn
    I agree with you but also I disagree with you. I agree with you that I would want something to float on because if you don't anything to float on you would have to swim in the water that has strong currant which would be hard to swim in. I disagree with you because I wouldn't want to be in my basement because if your house flooded it would fill your basement up then work to the top of your house. I would want to be upstairs in a room with windows so I could get out if my house flooded.

  133. @ finny

    because the glass would break withthe bind and knowone likes broken glass.(plus I realy want to break my window:)

  134. If I was stuck in a hurricane I would be so scared and think that, I am going to die.If that happened I would find a building that has basement with no window or a place with no windows.If a hurricane came towards me I would leave my home and go to a place that the hurricane is not going towards.

    (graded answer)

  135. i would feel dead. i would swim for my life

  136. If I were stuck in hurricane katrina i would be very scaerd and i would get my family and run to my baement and find a place where there are no windows are doors

  137. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  138. I wold be scard of having the the house come CRASHING down on you. The other pproblem is what would haven if you would be in it and no place to have a shelter. I would go tothe nerest tree,car, or even a dith where the wind could not pick you up.

  139. @ JALYNN

    What would you do if the house collapse and you would be on top and the would form the spienters would hurt. What would you do for help?

  140. Olivia Ogden, Kylie LonnemanSeptember 6, 2011 at 7:50 AM

    We would feel scared and depressed, we would be so sad that it would be a long time til we get to see our family, friends and pets. We would miss our technology because we cant live without computers, TV and video games.

    If we couldn't fly out of the state we would freak out. We wouldn't know what to do. We would go CRAZY!!!

    If a hurricane was heading to our houses we would evaculate our neighborhood and FREAK OUT MORE!!!

  141. @ JALYNN

    What would you do if the house collapse and you wooid be on top and the would form the spienters would hurt. What would you do for help?

  142. erin pegg & chyanne bergerSeptember 6, 2011 at 7:55 AM

    If we were stuck in a hurrican we would stay indoors all time and first before it came we would go to the store buy food water medical equipment also candles for is the electricity went out.We would be fritend and take safty procosions whitch would be but boards up on all the windows out side before it came and we would also lock windos and doors stay away from them and get everybody down in the base ment.

  143. I like watch hurricanes destroy so much stuff and are so distructive and wipe out so many people and see what nature can do. :>

  144. I would be sacre to see a hurricane.I would wake up my dad and say get up. Hurricanes are really bad because it will leave bad daminge.

  145. we would go to the basement with a first aid kit and bottled water and a radio and stay away from the windows.

  146. Joe, Matt and Ben SchapkerSeptember 6, 2011 at 9:18 AM

    If i were stuck in a hurricane i would feel like i was going to die.But what i would do is flee the city but if i didnt make it i would get to high grounds.Also if i herd that a hurricane was coming where i live i would pack my bags and leave the city or town.

  147. nicholas sferrazza/nathanael meyerSeptember 6, 2011 at 9:18 AM

    if i was in a hurricane i would freak out. i would want to stay with my family. nicholas sferrazza

    if i was in a hurricane i would go crasy. i would get on my boat servive on that. nathanael

  148. Derek Ellis & Keagen GulleySeptember 6, 2011 at 9:19 AM

    I would feel like the Tasmanien devil!!! Because he turns into a tornado. I would go hide in my basement. I would scream and call my grandpa because he knows all about hurricanes.

  149. we think that the hurricane Katia is not any diffrent than any other hurricane or natcural desater but not nearlly as bad as hurricane KATRENA.

  150. Hannah Basil & Rachel SchillerSeptember 6, 2011 at 9:20 AM

    If I were stuck in a hurricane I'd be very scared and worried about my family and friends. I would go to safest place in my house such as the roof because if the water flooded your house and there was no other place to go. Also, I would possibly go to the basement because of the winds and I would need shelter.

  151. Olivia Gundrum & jessica rentzSeptember 6, 2011 at 9:25 AM

    how would i feel if i was stuck in a hurricane..i would feel worried for family and friends and other people i don't know.i would go to the basement and just sit down an do nothing.

  152. nicholas/nathanael meyerSeptember 6, 2011 at 9:25 AM

    zach i think that if u were in a hurricane u should stay calm but not put i would get with my family get on a boat

  153. If I were stuck in a hurricane I would totally flip out. I DONT KNOW HOW TO SWIM...Soooooo I would probably end up dead!!!!)= Also it would be very scary, just the tought of being in one,and you would have to replace everything that got damaged...thats no fun. If you wanted to find a way to try and survive you should stay on the highest room in your house. I hope I never get in a hurricane because I think there the worst out of all the natural disasters

  154. Rachlle kuebel and jordan IoriSeptember 6, 2011 at 9:26 AM

    @ Hannah and Rachel
    Thats what i thought if the wind blew you might fall off.

  155. Rachelle Kuebel and Jordan IoriSeptember 6, 2011 at 9:29 AM

    Rachelle Kuebel and Jordan Iori
    If there was a hurracane then we would run up to the attic and stay there untill we herd nothing.

  156. Hannah Basil and Rachel SchillerSeptember 6, 2011 at 9:29 AM

    @Rachel Lincoln

    I am also very scared of storms. I agree with you that I would try to stay calm but eventually freak out. Also, I agree with you about going to the top floor of your house.

  157. Hannah Basil and Rachel SchillerSeptember 6, 2011 at 9:30 AM

    @Rachel Lincoln

    I am also very scared of storms. I agree with you that I would try to stay calm but eventually freak out. Also, I agree with you about going to the top floor of your house.

  158. you dont want to go in your aticc because your house gose under water so you want to go on top of your roof so you can be found by serch teams

    @Josh Whalen and Zach Shmitt

  159. @Rheanna Barry

    heeyy rhee...i totally agree with you!!!!...I wouldnt wanna get my valubaes a ruined,I probably payed good money for those...also i cant swim i dont know about you but i do the doggy pattle(:so im dead in about a minute or less with that situation. And i would defantily go to the top of my house(and i live on a hill too)

  160. @rheanna barry

    heeeyy rhee...i am toatally agreeing with you!!!!!...i would not want all my valubles to be runied i payed good money for those...probably!...and I cant swim idk about you but all i do is the doggy pattle(:!!so i would be dead in a minute or less in that situation and also i would go to the highest point of my house(even though i live on a hill too)

  161. If I was in a hurricane I would pass out. If It was heading where I live I would leave.

  162. @ Rachelle and Jordan

    i agree with you about going up somewhere high, but maybe not as high as the attic, because of what bailee was saying. But I would bring up food, blankets, extra clothes ect. What would you bring up ?

  163. @ angel conway

    I agree with you on not going all the way to the roof, but maybe after the hurricane depending on how much your house was flooded and if you wanted help to see you. But I would not go to the basement because I'm sure that you would get more than just your feet wet, and it would be hard to get out of the basement. Plus i don't think most homes along the east coast have basements because of that very reason.

  164. If i was stuck in a hurricane i would be scared and shocked! I would go out of the state and get away from the hurricane. If the hurricane headed towards to where I live I would stay in a safe place so i wouldnt get hurt.

  165. @Maddie Lindemann. I agree with you! I would get out of the state also. That is a very smart idea. But it would be a handful cause of your items and furnite and stuff.

  166. @ Cory Allen

    I agree, even if you did get insurance money you would still have all your irreplacable items to replace. Pictures and many other cetimental items would be impossible to replace. Also if someone died like a family member you could never replacee them.

  167. @kamal williams
    I agree I would get really far away from the hurricanes path or hide under ground somewhere.
