Sunday, September 11, 2011

Headed to the moon

Read the following link:

To the moon

What was launched towards the moon this weekend?  What were they going to do?  How long will it take to get there?  What will this provide for school children?  What do the want to study and how will this help them?


  1. This past weekend a twin N.A.S.A craft launched into space to study the inside of the moon.It will take 2 days for the astronouts to get there.This trip will help school children by giving them more knowledge about the moon.

    ~Taylar Herbers & Brooke Chesney

  2. This past weekend NASA launched to twin rockets to the moon to find out what is at the moons core.This will highten are knowledge of the moon and make it easier to understand the moon.

  3. mrs.hoffman it mould be so cool to go to the moon becuase i would like to explore and jump in the air.

  4. i know a rocket was launched in to space to go to the moon that is all i know

  5. a rocket was launched into space on its way to the moon i think it will take like three months but i dont know anything else about it.

    jordan iori:)

  6. a twin rocket got shot into space moon thats all iv'e read.

  7. NASA shot twin rocket in to space for 9/11 when twin towers fell down. They shot it up to see what was in the core of the moon. It will only take 2 days. It will provie the schoolwith the right info. They want to study what is in the moons core.

  8. NASA SHOT a twin turbo rocket up two the MOON!!!

  9. They launched Twin shuttles to the moon it will take two days to get there and they will be up there for 4months this will help us get knowledge of the moon.
