Sunday, September 11, 2011

Living in Space

Listen to or read the following link:

Living in Space

How would you feel about going to space knowing you would be putting your body at risk to these numerous factors?  Would these factors hinder you from going to space?  Would you be concerned about losing bone density or having your fingernails removed?


  1. I would notwant to go into space after hearing this.These factors make me feel that i will never go into space because it is basically excellerated aging and will shorten your life.I would be very concerned about looseing bone mass because again it is shortening your life.

  2. I wouldn't wanna go into space knowing these factors because I have no desire to loose my fingernails, I like my fingernails. Also, loosing bone mass is scary. I would be very concerned about loosing fingernails and bone mass. This just makes it very clear that I will never be an astrounaunt.

  3. I would never want to go to space mainly because of the fingernail idea. I mean how gross is the idea of lossing your fingernail.The bone and muscle loss is weird but not nearly as weird as fingernail loss.

  4. now i dont think i will go into space knowing these factors that would just be creepy to loose fingernails.

  5. no i think i would not go into space knowing this because it is creepy.

  6. I would like to live in space because . the gravad on the moon and youwill bouns on moon.

  7. Mrs.Hoffman
    I don't want to work for nasa because those facts scare me. I do not want to lose my fingernails I like my nails on me. The thought of loseing the thickness of my bones scares me. Plus how do you exercise in space.

  8. your right it would scare me to

  9. i would be freaked out about the bone density thing but not the fingernails because ive already lost one so that doesnt really matter an i would put my body at risk everyday if i had to not if i want to

  10. i would be scared out of my mind if i lost bone density or my fingernail so i guess i wont be an astronaut when i grow up.
    jordan iori:)

  11. I would not go to space ever in me life it sounds scary.

  12. I would not like to go to space because I wouldn't want to put my body in danger. These factors would keep me from going into space honestly. It's scary knowing there is no way that to get your bone density back. The finger nail thing is not as bad but it's still gross. I would be concerned about my bone density and my finger nails because if there was a way to get your bone density back it would be a different story and if my finger nail fell got messed up it would hurt.

  13. I would never want to go to space because i would want to keep my fingernails and the bone dencity thing would be kinda wierd
