Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Harvest Moon

How many of you have know what a Harvest Moon is?  Have any of you seen a Harvest Moon?

Read or listen to the following link:

Harvest Moon

When does this occur?  How did it get it's name?  Leave any other thoughts you have on the Harvest Moon.


  1. what is the harvest moon all about ?

  2. @Brady Doyle

    What is the harvest moon all about anyway?

  3. I saw the harvest moon this morning on the way to school it was not like any moon I have seen before it looked like it was glowing it was a yellow orange color. The reason why the harvest moon comes out this time of the year is because it tells people it is time to harves their crops.

  4. a harvest moon is when the moon is at its brightest point each year it is hapining on september 23rd this year. it also helps farmers

  5. The harvest moon acors when the moon is at its brightest point.It got its name by it giving farmers exra light.

  6. What is the harvest moon look like. I went to lean about it harvest moon!

    have a good day Mrs. Hoffman

  7. What is the harvist MOON ? PS DO u have a picture to show to the class

    @ Mrs, Hoffman

  8. i have appsoluttly no idea what a harvest moon is but im guessing farmers used to use it to know wen to harvest their crops.
    jordan iori:)

  9. i thought the harvest moon was red but i'm probally wrong i mean sound's sweet to see but i have not seen it.

  10. i have no idea what a harvest moon is never have seen one an it comes on september 22 or 23

  11. What is a harvest moon! Do you have a pic of it. If you do can we see it


  12. I don't understand there are lots of full moons every year. So what's so special about this one?

  13. @Kalin
    That makes a lot more sense that it gives extra light to help farmers thats where it gets its name thats kidda cool.

  14. I think that the harvest moon is really cool, and the fact that it actually helps farmers know when to harvest is kind of amazing. Who would have thought that a random stage of the moon could be so helpful in the growing of food?
